- Theory of criminal justice
The theory of criminal justice is the branch of
philosophy of law that deals withcriminal justice and in particularpunishment . The theory of criminal justice has deep connections to other areas of philosophy, such aspolitical philosophy andethics , as well as to criminal justice in practice.Some important questions considered in the theory of criminal justice are
* What is criminal justice?
* How is criminal justice distinct from other kinds of justice (or is it in fact distinct)?Some questions specific to the topic of punishment are
* "Should" we punish?
* "Why" should we punish?
* "Whom" should we punish?
* "How" should we punish?
* "How much" should we punish?Justice and criminal justice
How is criminal justice distinct from other kinds of justice?
There are clearly topics and issues of
justice that are unrelated to criminal law or criminal justice. By asking if and how criminal justice is distinct, we are asking if and how it should be treated differently from these other topics. In a civil society there is a need to maintain justice and order. Hence, the thin blue line exists; blessed are the peace keepers.Criminal justice systems
There are at least two questions, raised by
H. L. A. Hart , in connection with criminal justice which do not directly concern punishment but are more closely related to a criminal justice system as a whole. They are
* Why establish any institution of punishment at all?
* Why establish this institution with its special concepts, principles of legislation, adjudicative procedures, and permissible penalties rather than some other?Punishment
Different theories of criminal justice can usually be distinguished in how they answer questions about punishment. To avoid issues of
semantics , in this section we must agree that punishment is a penalty imposed by alegal system along with (or because of) a stigma of wrongdoing or lawbreaking. This definition deliberately excludes penalties unrelated to wrongdoing or lawbreaking, even when imposed by a legal system. It also distinguishes or at least restricts this definition from the one used inoperant conditioning .hould we punish?
The answer to this question is important as a negative answer makes further questions about punishment irrelevant. In fact, if we answer "no", then the theory of punishment does not even belong in the theory of criminal justice.
Most theories answer "yes", that there are at least some
criminal s or criminal acts that should be punished. However, this question should not be so easily dismissed as there are theories which do answer "no". Consider, for example, Pacifism. Also, certain versions ofrestorative justice might optimistically make the claim that punishment is unnecessary.Whom should we punish?
We should punish criminals. Unfortunately, the answer is not that simple. Should we punish only lawbreakers, or other wrongdoers? Should we punish all criminals? Often, the answers to these questions are interrelated with the reasons for punishment.
For example, if the reason for punishment is rehabilitation, then we should not punish criminals who show genuine
remorse . In practice, this is difficult to determine.The question of whether only lawbreakers can be punished is connected to the validity of retroactive laws. Whether wrongdoers can and should be punished under retroactive laws was particularly important around the end of
World War II . Many Nazi war criminals were tried under laws which were not in place at the time they committed their so-called crimes. Although their actions were wrong, their punishment brings up important issues. Punishment under retroactive laws can not possibly accomplish deterrence.How should we punish?
Different methods of punishment can be evaluated based on effectiveness, cost efficiency, and on moral grounds.
There is a principle in certain versions of retributive theory that can be stated as "
an eye for an eye ". This principle argues for punishment in kind with the harm that was caused by the wrongdoer.Cruel and unusual punishment is outlawed in many legal systems, presumably on moral grounds.How much should we punish?
Deterrence theory argues that the amount of punishment should be the minimum required to achieve the desired amount of deterrence. Most versions of retributive justice argue that the amount of punishment should be proportional to the amount of harm caused. Reform theory argues that the amount of punishment should be enough to cause reform in the offender.
However, some theories would argue that the amount of punishment is not important at all. For example, if the purpose of punishment is incapacitation, the fact that a jail sentence is undesirable to the offender is irrelevant.
Theories may be of following kind:1. Detterent Theory2. Retributive Theory3. Reformative Theory4. Expiatory Thoery5. preventive Theory
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