Base flow (random dynamical systems)

Base flow (random dynamical systems)

In mathematics, the base flow of a random dynamical system is the dynamical system defined on the "noise" probability space that describes how to "fast forward" or "rewind" the noise when one wishes to change the time at which one "starts" the random dynamical system.


In the definition of a random dynamical system, one is given a family of maps vartheta_{s} : Omega o Omega on a probability space (Omega, mathcal{F}, mathbb{P}). The measure-preserving dynamical system (Omega, mathcal{F}, mathbb{P}, vartheta) is known as the base flow of the random dynamical system. The maps vartheta_{s} are often known as shift maps since they "shift" time. The base flow is often ergodic.

The parameter s may be chosen to run over
* mathbb{R} (a two-sided continuous-time dynamical system);
* [0, + infty) subsetneq mathbb{R} (a one-sided continuous-time dynamical system);
* mathbb{Z} (a two-sided discrete-time dynamical system);
* mathbb{N} cup { 0 } (a one-sided discrete-time dynamical system).

Each map vartheta_{s} is required
* to be a (mathcal{F}, mathcal{F})-measurable function: for all E in mathcal{F}, vartheta_{s}^{-1} (E) in mathcal{F}
* to preserve the measure mathbb{P}: for all E in mathcal{F}, mathbb{P} (vartheta_{s}^{-1} (E)) = mathbb{P} (E).

Furthermore, as a family, the maps vartheta_{s} satisfy the relations
* vartheta_{0} = mathrm{id}_{Omega} : Omega o Omega, the identity function on Omega;
* vartheta_{s} circ vartheta_{t} = vartheta_{s + t} for all s and t for which the three maps in this expression are defined. In particular, vartheta_{s}^{-1} = vartheta_{-s} if - s exists.

In other words, the maps vartheta_{s} form a commutative monoid (in the cases s in mathbb{N} cup { 0 } and s in [0, + infty)) or a commutative group (in the cases s in mathbb{Z} and s in mathbb{R}).


In the case of random dynamical system driven by a Wiener process W : mathbb{R} imes Omega o X, where (Omega, mathcal{F}, mathbb{P}) is the two-sided classical Wiener space, the base flow vartheta_{s} : Omega o Omega would be given by

:W (t, vartheta_{s} (omega)) = W (t + s, omega) - W(s, omega).

This can be read as saying that vartheta_{s} "starts the noise at time s instead of time 0".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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