Grey-headed Sparrow

Grey-headed Sparrow

name = Grey-headed Sparrow

status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Passeridae
genus = "Passer"
species = "P. griseus"
binomial = "Passer griseus"
binomial_authority = (Vieillot, 1817)
The Grey-headed Sparrow ("Passer griseus") is a resident breeding bird species in much of tropical Africa. It occurs in a wide range of open habitats, including open woodlands and human habitation, and it is, in effect, the African House Sparrow.

This sparrow is mainly resident in its range, but there is some seasonal movement, and flocks of up to 50 birds form outside the breeding season.

It builds a cup nest in trees, thatch, or old nests of other birds; 24 eggs are laid.

The adult Grey-headed Sparrow has a pale grey head with a white moustache stripe, pale brown upperparts, whitish underparts and chestnut wings with a small white shoulder patch. The sexes are similar, but young birds are slightly duller and lack the white wing patch.

There are three subspecies, differing in plumage tone, especially with regard to the darkness of the head.

This species feeds principally on seeds and grain, like other sparrows, but will readily take insects including termites, especially when feeding young.

The calls include cheeps and chirps, and the typical sparrow churring alarm call.

The Grey-headed Sparrow is replaced in eastern and southern Africa by very similar birds that are sometimes considered races of this species: Swainson's Sparrow, the Parrot-billed Sparrow, the Swahili Sparrow, and the Southern Grey-headed Sparrow.


* Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern

* "Finches and Sparrows" by Clement, Harris and Davis, ISBN 0-7136-8017-2

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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