Tritrichomonas foetus

Tritrichomonas foetus

"Tritrichomonas foetus"' is a single celled flagellated protozoan parasite that is known to be a pathogen of the bovine reproductive tract as well as the intestinal tract of cats. In cattle, the organism is transmitted to the female vagina and uterus from the foreskin of the bull where the parasite is known to reside. It causes infertility, and, at times, has caused spontaneous abortions in the first trimester. Cases of infection in cattle have declined due to the use of artificial insemination. In the last ten years, there have been reports of "Tritrichomonas foetus" in the feces of young cats that have diarrhea and live in households with multiple cats.


"Tritrichomonas foetus" belongs to the order Trichomonadida in the Kingdom Protoctista. The parasite is 5-25 µm in size and is spindle shaped with four flagella which are whiplike projections and an undulating or wavy membrane. Their movement is jerky and in a forward direction. "Tritrichomontas foetus" looks like small tadpoles with small tails when viewed microscopically. The parasite interacts with bacteria that normally reside in the intestinal tract by adhering to the intestinal epithelium of the host.


"Tritrichomonas foetus" in cats is characterized by diarrhea that comes and goes and may contain blood and mucus at times. The diarrhea is semi formed in a cow pie consistency. In most cases it affects cats of 12 months of age or younger and cats from rescue shelters and homes with multiple cats. Close and direct contact appears to be the mode in which the parasite is transmitted.


Treatment of the infection is difficult due to drug resistance. Traditional antiprotozoal drugs such as fenbendazole and metronidazole do not alleviate the symptoms. Some antimicrobial drugs have been shown to improve symptoms but do not eradicate the parasite.


It has been shown that most cats show improvement and no signs of infection within 2 years of onset. It appears that over time the parasite dies off and the infection is remedied on its own.


¹Hausmann, K., N. Hülsmann, R. Radek. Protistology. 3rd completely revised edition. (2003). E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung. Stuttgart, Germany.

² [Accessed 14 September 2006] .

³ [Accessed 14 September 2006] .

4 [Accessed 14 September 2006] .

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