- Hydrogenosome
A hydrogenosome is a membrane-enclosed
organelle of some anaerobicciliate s, trichomonads andfungi . The hydrogenosomes of trichomonads (the most studied of the hydrogenosome-containing microorganisms) produce molecularhydrogen ,acetate ,carbon dioxide and ATP by the combined actions of ,hydrogenase , and succinate thiokinase.Superoxide dismutase ,malate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating),ferredoxin ,adenylate kinase and are also localized in the hydrogenosome. This organelle is thought to have evolved frommitochondria , though in the case of trichomonad hydrogenosomes the question remains open.History
Hydrogenosomes were isolated, purified, biochemically characterized and named in the early 1970s by D. G. Lindmark and M. Müller at
Rockefeller University . [Lindmark D G & Müller M, "Hydrogenosome, a cytoplasmic organelle of the anaerobic flagellate "Tritrichomonas foetus", and its role in pyruvate metabolism" "J Biol Chem" 1973 248:7724−7728.] In addition to this seminal study on hydrogenosomes, they also demonstrated, for the first time, the presence of pyruvate:ferredoxin oxido-reductase and hydrogenase ineukaryote s. Further studies were subsequentially conducted on the biochemical cytology and subcellular organization of anaerobic protozoan parasites ("Trichomonas vaginalis ,Tritrichomonas foetus , Monocercomonas sp.,Giardia lamblia ,Entamoeba sp., and Hexamita inflata)". Using information obtained from hydrogenosomal and biochemical cytology studies these researchers determined the mode of action ofmetronidazole (Flagyl) in 1976. Metronidazole is today recognized as the gold standard chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of anaerobic infections caused byprokaryote s ("clostridia,Bacteroides ,Helicobacter ") and eukaryotes ("Trichomonas, Tritrichomonas, Giardia, Entamoeba"). Metronidazole is taken up by diffusion. Once taken up by anaerobes, it is non-enzymatically reduced by reduced ferredoxin which is produced by the action of pyruvate:ferredoxin oxido-reductase. This reduction cause the production of toxic products (to the anaerobic cell) and allows for selective accumulation in anaerobes.Description
Hydrogenosomes are approximately 1
micrometre in diameter and are so called because they produce molecular hydrogen. Likemitochondria , they are bound by distinct double membranes and one has an inner membrane with somecristae -like projections.Some hydrogenosomes may have evolved from mitochondria by the concomitant loss of classical mitochondrial features, most notably itsgenome . A hydrogenosomal genome could not be detected in "Neocallimastix", "Trichomonas vaginalis" and "Tritrichomonas foetus". [van der Giezen et al, "Mitochondrion-derived organelles in protists and fungi", "Int Rev Cytol" 2005, 244:175-225.] However, a hydrogenosomal genome has been detected in the cockroach ciliate "Nyctotherus ovalis" in 1998. [Akhmanova et al, "Nature" 1998 396:527.]ources
The best studied hydrogenosomes are those of the sexually transmitted parasites "Trichomonas vaginalis" and "Tritrichomonas foetus" and those from
rumen chytrid s such as "Neocallimastix".The anaerobic ciliated protozoan "
Nyctotherus ovalis ", found in thehindgut of several species of cockroach, has numerous hydrogenosomes that are intimately associated with endosymbiotic methane-producingarchaea , the latter using the hydrogen produced by the hydrogenosomes. The matrix of "N. ovalis" hydrogenosomes containsribosome -like particles of the same size as a numerous type of ribosome (70s) of the endosymbioticmethanogen ic archaea. This suggested the presence of an organellar genome which was indeed discovered by Akhmanova and later partly sequenced by Boxma. [Akhmanova et al, "Nature" 1998 396:527.] [Boxma et al, "Nature" 2005 434:74-79.]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.