List of surfaces

List of surfaces

This is a list of surfaces, by Wikipedia page.

"See also list of curves, Riemann surface."

Minimal surfaces

* Costa surface
* Catenoid
* Riemann's surface
* Saddle tower
* Gyroid
* Catalan surface
* Enneper surface

=Non-orientable surfaces=

*Klein bottle

*Real projective plane
**Roman surface
**Boy's surface


*Hyperboloid of one sheet
*Hyperboloid of two sheets
* hyperbolic paraboloid (a ruled surface)

Pseudospherical surfaces

*Dini surface

Algebraic surfaces

"See the list of algebraic surfaces."
* Cayley cubic
* Barth sextic
* Clebsch cubic
* Monkey saddle (saddle-like surface for 3 legs.)
* Torus
* Dupin cyclide (inversion of a torus)
* Whitney umbrella

Miscellaneous surfaces

* right conoid (a Ruled surface)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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