Wayne Hattaway

Wayne Hattaway

Wayne Hattaway is known not by name but by image to many Minnesota Twins fans. He is the elderly gentleman seen in the dugout with the white mustache, large glasses, and cowboy hat. To the players and coaches however, he is known as "Big Fella." Wayne has been with the Minnesota Twins organization for over 50 years, mostly with the Twins' minor league teams. He has served as an equipment manager, clubhouse attendant, and as a trainer. Due to his eyesight, he retired around 1996. In 2002, newly named Twins manager Ron Gardenhire asked Terry Ryan if Wayne could travel with the team. Mr. Ryan agreed and Wayne has been traveling with the team since, thanks in part to some help from some of the players. The nickname "Big Fella" was installed on him because Wayne himself would call every person he came across in a baseball park "big fella" or "big 'un." Sadly, in September of 2006, Wayne was diagnosed with cancer. September 26, 2006 Wayne was given the honor of throwing out the first pitch in the game between the Twins and the Kansas City Royals.

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