- Richards equation
The Richards equation represents the movement of water in
unsaturated soils, and was formulated byLorenzo A. Richards in 1931. It is a non-linearpartial differential equation , which is often difficult to approximate since it does not have a closed-form analytical solution.Darcy's law was developed for saturated flow in porous media; to this Richards applied a continuity requirement suggested by Buckingham, and obtained a "general partial differential equation describing water movement in unsaturated non-swelling soils". The transient state form of this flow equation, known commonly as Richards equation::frac{partial heta}{partial t}= frac{partial}{partial z} left [ K(psi) left (frac{partial psi}{partial z} + 1 ight) ight] where:K is the
hydraulic conductivity ,:psi is thepressure head ,:z is theelevation above a vertical datum,:heta is thewater content , and:t istime Richards equation is equivalent to the
groundwater flow equation , which is in terms of hydraulic head ("h"), by substituting "h"="ψ"+"z", and changing the storage mechanism to dewatering. The reason for writing it in the form above is for convenience with boundary conditions (often expressed in terms of pressure head, for example atmospheric conditions are "ψ"=0).
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