- Unga Island
Unga Island (Uĝnaasaqax̂ [Bergsland, K "Aleut Dictionary" Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center, 1994] in Aleut) is the largest of the
Shumagin Islands off theAlaska Peninsula in southwesternAlaska ,USA . The island has a land area of 170.73 sq mi (442.188 km²), making it the 35th largest island in the United States. As of the 2000 census, it had a permanent population of one [cite web|url=http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/DTTable?_bm=y&-context=dt&-ds_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U&-CONTEXT=dt&-mt_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U_P001&-tree_id=4001&-redoLog=false&-transpose=N&-all_geo_types=N&-_caller=geoselect&-geo_id=100$10000US020130001003020&-search_results=100$10000US020160001001138&-format=&-_lang=en&-show_geoid=Y|title= Unga Island: Block 3020, Census Tract 1, Aleutians East Borough, Alaska|publisher=United States Census Bureau |accessdate=2008-03-09] , however the island is now uninhabited.Fact|date=March 2008Unga Island was formerly named Grekodelierovskoe (Greek Delarov) for Captain Delarov who explored the area in the late 18th century on behalf of the Russian-American Company.
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