List of publications critical of the Latter Day Saint movement

List of publications critical of the Latter Day Saint movement

Publications in this section may range from "anti-Mormon" to simply critical of the Latter Day Saint movement. These works are not recognized by the LDS Church as authoritative as to their doctrinal content and accuracy.

Historical books

*cite book | last= Beadle| first= J. H. | title= Life In Utah Or The Mysteries And Crimes Of Mormonism: Being An Expose Of The Secret Rites And Ceremonies Of The Latter Day Saints| origdate= | origyear=1870| date=September 30, 2004 | publisher=Kessinger Publishing | id= ISBN 1-4179-7572-5
*cite book | last= Belisle| first= Orvilla S. | title= Mormonism unveiled; or, a history of Mormonism from its rise to the present time| date=September 30, 2004 | publisher=C.H. Clarke
*cite book | last= Bennett| first= John C. | authorlink= John C. Bennett| title= The History of the Saints: Or, an Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism| origdate= | origyear=1842| edition=3rd ed.| date= | year=2000 | month=October | publisher=University of Illinois Press | location= | language= | id= ISBN 0-252-02589-X
*cite book | last= Conan Doyle | first= Arthur | authorlink= Arthur Conan Doyle | title= A Study in Scarlet | origyear=1888 | origmonth=July | publisher=Ward, Lock & Co [The first book of the famous Sherlock Holmes series presents Mormons in a quite unfavorable light. Specifically, Mormons in their early years of settlement in Utah are presented as a violent people, terrorizing their neighbors, and it is asserted that non-Mormon women were kidnapped and coerced into polygamous marriages. However, it might be that this writer did not specifically intend to write an anti-Mormon book, but utilized existing material in order to create what he thought of as an exotic and unexpected background for his murder mystery.]
*cite book | last=Howe | first=E. D. | authorlink= Eber Dudley Howe | title=Mormonism Unvailed | origyear= 1834| format=HTM | accessdate= 2006-06-30 | year= 2001| month= September| publisher=author [ "Mormonism Unvailed" online at]
*cite book | last= Lamb| first= M. T. | title= The Golden Bible, or, the Book of Mormon: Is It from God?| date=1887 | publisher=Ward & Drummond | location=New York [ Google Books Full Edition]
*cite book | last= Riley| first= I. Woodbridge | title= Founder of Mormonism| origyear=1903| year=2003 |publisher=Kessinger Publishing | id= ISBN 0-7661-5432-7
*cite book | last= Stenhouse| first= T. B. H. | title= A Lady's Life Among the Mormons| year=1872|publisher=American News Co. [ Google Books Full Edition]
*cite book | last= Tucker| first= Pomeroy | title= Origin, rise, and progress of Mormonism: Biography of its founders and history of its church. Personal remembrances and historical collections hitherto unwritten.| publisher=D. Appleton and Company [ Google Books Full Edition]
*cite book | last= Turner| first= J. B. | title= Mormonism in all ages: Or, the rise, progress, and causes of Mormonism with the biography of its author and founder, Joseph Smith| publisher=Platt & Peters
*cite book | last= Ward | first= Maria | title= Female Life Among the Mormons | origyear=1855 | year= 2003 | month=August | publisher=Kessinger Publishing | id=ISBN 0-7661-7501-4 [ Google Books Full Edition]
*cite book | last= Young | first= Ann Eliza | authorlink= Ann Eliza Young | title= Wife, No. 19 | origyear=1875| url= | format=HTM | accessdate= 2006-06-30 | year= 2003 | month=March | publisher=Kessinger Publishing | id=ISBN 0-7661-4048-2

Modern books

*cite book
last= Wayne L. Cowdrey, Howard A. Davis, Arthur Vanick
title= Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon? - The Spalding Enigma
publisher= Concordia Publishing House
date= 2005-07-30
id= ISBN 0-7586-0527-7
[Among others, Cowdery, Davis, and Vanick's book has been designated anti-Mormon by the following: Roper, Matthew (2005) " [ The Mythical "Manuscript Found"] " (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 2005. p.7–140). & " [ AntiMormon Bibliography] ", "", accessed June 2006.]

*cite book
last= Decker
first= Ed
authorlink= Ed Decker
title= The God Makers
publisher= Harvest House Publishers
id= ISBN 0-89081-402-3
["The God Makers" is considered anti-Mormon by myriad sources, including the following: Scharffs, Gilbert (1994) "The Truth about 'The God Makers'" (Bookcraft Pubs, October 1994). Vajda, Jordan (2002) "Partakers of the divine nature" (Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, January 1, 2002). Griffith, Michael (1997) "A Ready Reply: Answering Challenging Questions About the Gospel" (Horizon Pub & Dist Inc, July 1, 1997). & Lindsay, Jeff (2004) " [ Sci-Fi Themes in LDS Theology?] .]

*cite book
last= Martin
first= Walter R.
authorlink= Walter Martin
title= The Maze of Mormonism
publisher= Regal Books
id= ISBN 0-88449-017-3
[Walter Martin's book is considered anti-Mormon by many, including the following: Midgley, Louis (2000) " [ A Tangled Web: The Walter Martin Miasma] " (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 2000. Pp. 371–434). " [ Worst of the Anti-Mormon Web Special Edition: Does James White Have a Genuine Doctorate?] ", "", accessed June 2006. & " [ AntiMormon Bibliography] ", "", accessed June 2006.] [ Excerpts] .

*cite book
last= McKeever
first= Bill
authorlink= Bill McKeever
coauthors= Eric Johnson
title= Mormonism 101: Examining the Religion of the Latter-day Saints
date= 2000-04-01
publisher=Baker Books
id= ISBN 0-8010-6335-3
["Mormonism 101" is considered anti-Mormon by the following, among others: " [ Mormonism 201] ", "", accessed June 2006. Reynolds, Juliann, " [ Lamanites, the Seed of Cain, and Polygamy] ", "", accessed June 2006. & Katich, Sam, " [ The Jupiter Talisman Myth] ", "", accessed June 2006.]

*cite book
last= Rhodes
first= Ron
coauthors= Marian Bodine
title= Reasoning from the Scriptures With the Mormons
publisher=Harvest House Publishers
id= ISBN 1-56507-328-2

*cite book
last= Rhodes
first= Ron
title= The 10 Most Important Things You Can Say to a Mormon
year= 2001
publisher=Harvest House Publishers
id= ISBN 0-7369-0534-0
[Ron Rhodes is indicated as an anti-Mormon author either generally or with respect to the two listed works in the following sources: Barksdale, Darryl (2000) " [ Cherry-Picking in the Orchard of God's Word: John 4:24] ", "", accessed June 2006. " [ FAIR Topical Guide] ", "", accessed June 2006. Bickmore, Barry (2000) " [ Not Completely Worthless] ", "", (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 2000. Pp. 275–302), accessed June 2006. Midgley, Louis (2003) " [ Editor's Introduction] ", "", (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 2003. Pp. xi–xxxvii), accessed June 2006. & Tvedtnes, John, " [ A Response to Ron Rhodes and Marian Bodine, Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons] ", "", accessed June 2006.]

*cite book
last= Roberts
first= R. Phillip
title= Mormonism Unmasked: Confronting the Contradictions Between Mormon Beliefs and True Christianity
publisher= B&H Publishing Group
id= ISBN 0-8054-1652-8
[Either Roberts or his works are referred to as anti-Mormon in the following: Midgley, Louis (2000) " [ A Tangled Web: The Walter Martin Miasma] " (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 2000. Pp. 371–434), accessed June 2006. McGregor, Russell C. (2000) " [ Widening the Divide: The Countercult Version of Mormonism] " (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 2000. Pp. 303–22), accessed June 2006. & Foster, Craig L., " [ Old Themes and Stereotypes Never Die: The Unchanging Ways of Anti-Mormons] ", "", accessed June 2006.]

*cite book
first=William J
title=Mormonism’s Temple of Doom
publisher=Triple J Publishers
id=ISBN 0975264125

*cite book
first=James R
title=Have You Witnessed to a Mormon Lately?
publisher=Chosen Books Publishing
id=ISBN 0800790979

*cite book
last= Tanner
first= Jerald and Sandra
authorlink= Jerald and Sandra Tanner
title= Mormonism: Shadow or Reality?
publisher= Utah Lighthouse Ministry
location=Salt Lake City, Utah
id= ISBN 0-89081-402-3

*cite book
last= Tanner
first= Jerald and Sandra
authorlink= Jerald and Sandra Tanner
title= The Changing World of Mormonism
publisher= Moody Publishers
location=Chicago, Illinois
id= ISBN 0-8024-1234-3
[The works of Jerald and Sandra Tanner are commonly referred to as anti-Mormon, including in the following: " [ Jerald & Sandra Tanner: Career Anti-Mormon Critics] ", "", accessed June 2006. Scharffs, Gilbert W. " [ 5. "Faith Without Works Is Dead" (James 2:20)] ", "The Truth About "The God Makers" on", accessed June 2006. Porter, Rockwell (2003) " [ A Dancer/Journalist's Anti-Mormon Diatribe] " (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 2003. Pp. 259–72), accessed June 2006. " [ An Incident at the Utah Lighthouse Ministry Bookstore] ", "", accessed June 2006. & Nelson, William (1992) " [ Anti-Mormon Publications] ", The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol.1, Macmillan Publishing Company.] Revision and republication of "Mormonism: Shadow or Reality?".

*cite book
last= Wood
first= Charles L.
title= The Mormon Conspiracy
date= 2004-01-01
publisher= Black Forest Press
id= ISBN 1-58275-036-X
["The Mormon Conspiracy" is labeled anti-Mormon in the following: " [ A Dancer/Journalist's Anti-Mormon Diatribe] " (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 2003. Pp. 259–72), accessed June 2006.]


*cite web
title = Equipping Christians Ministry
publisher = Equipping Christians Ministry
url =
accessdate = 2006-06-29

*cite web
last = Sivulka
first = Rob
title = Mormon Info - Question Mormonism
url =
accessdate = 2006-06-29

*cite web
last = Spencer
first = James R.
title = Through the Maze
publisher = Living Faith Church - Maze Ministry
url =
accessdate = 2006-06-29

*cite web
title = Concerned Christians
publisher = Concerned Christians of Mesa, Arizona
url =
accessdate = 2006-06-29

*cite web
title = Living Hope Ministries: Educating and Equipping Christians for Ministry to Mormons
publisher = Living Hope Ministries
url =
accessdate = 2006-06-29

*cite web
title = True Church Search
work = eBook written by a former LDS member
publisher = Jim Hill
url =
accessdate = 2007-05-01

*cite web
title = Mormonism
work = Christian Apologetics & Research Committee
publisher = Matthew J. Slick
url =
accessdate = 2006-06-29

*cite web
title = Mormonism Research Ministry
url =
accessdate = 2006-06-29

*cite web
title = Mormons in Transition
publisher = Institute for Religious Research
url =
accessdate = 2006-06-29

*cite web
title = Tools for Witnessing to Mormons
work = Watchman Fellowship: A Ministry of Christian Discernment
publisher = Watchman Fellowship, Inc.
url =
accessdate = 2006-06-29

*cite web
title = Truth in Love to Mormons
publisher = Messiah Lutheran Church (Nampa, Idaho)
url =
accessdate = 2006-06-29

*cite web
title = Utah Lighthouse Ministry
publisher = Utah LighthouseTM Ministry
url =
accessdate = 2006-06-29

*cite web
title = Am I anti-Mormon by Melissa's Mormon experience
publisher = Melissa
url =
accessdate = 2006-11-11

*cite web
title =
publisher = Joseph J. Dewey
url =
accessdate = 2007-10-05

*cite web
title =
publisher = R. Thompson
url =
accessdate = 2008-06-26

Media presentations

*cite web
title= The Bible vs. The Book of Mormon
(Living Hope Ministries)
*cite web
title= DNA vs. The Book of Mormon
(Living Hope Ministries)
*cite web
title= The Lost Book of Abraham
(Living Hope Ministries)
*cite web
title= Lifting the Veil of Polygamy
(Living Hope Ministries)
*The God Makers (Jeremiah Films)
*The God Makers II (Jeremiah Films)
*Search for the Truth, also known as "Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith" (Tri-Grace Ministries)

Online Books, Treatises and Extended Essays

*cite web
title = The Temple Book
url =
by Max Skousen
*cite web
title = Infallible Authority
url =
by J. J. Dewey
*cite web
title = Eternal Lives
url =
by J. J. Dewey
*cite web
title = Are Mormons Christian?
url =
*cite web
title = The Mormon Wildcard
url =

ee also

*Criticism of Mormonism
*The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
*Lists of books
*Mormonism and Christianity


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