- Woronkofski Island
Woronkofski Island is an island in the
Alexander Archipelago of southeasternAlaska ,United States . It lies near the northwest corner ofWrangell Island , just west of the city of Wrangell, between it andZarembo Island to the west. To the south liesEtolin Island . Woronkofski Island has a land area of 59.382 km² (22.9275 sq mi) and was unpopulated at the 2000 census. The city of Wrangell is exploring the possibility of utilizing Sunrise Lake on the island for hydroelectrical power and drinking water.References
* [http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/DTTable?_bm=y&-context=dt&-ds_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U&-CONTEXT=dt&-mt_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U_P001&-tree_id=4001&-transpose=N&-redoLog=false&-all_geo_types=N&-geo_id=100$10000US022800003001029&-search_results=100$10000US022800001001029&-_showChild=Y&-format=&-_lang=en&-show_geoid=Y Woronkofski Island: Block 1029, Census Tract 3, Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area, Alaska] United States Census Bureau
* [http://www.commerce.state.ak.us/dca/commdb/CF_BLOCK.cfm?comm_boro_name=Wrangell&DATA_TYPE=Overview,Economy Wrangell Community Database Online] State of Alaska Commerce Department
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.