- O'Davoren
The O'Davorens, ( _ga. Ó Duibhdábhoireann) were an important
scholar ly family, or sept, of Corcomroe,Thomond (modern-dayCounty Clare ),Ireland sincemedieval times who were active until the final conquest of Ireland. Famed for their sponsorship of schools and knowledge of history andEarly Irish law , they were known throughout Ireland as a literary family and held estates in theBurren down to the mid seventeenth century at the time of the Cromwellian confiscations. [http://www.ria.ie/committees/pdfs/archaeology/excavation_reports/odavoren-landscape.pdf] . Many acted asbrehon s for the local ruling dynasty of Ó Loughlin from the 14th century or earlier.The O'Davoren law school at Cahermacnaghten has been the subject of archaeological and historical interest and its remains are still extant. The law school operated in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, with a Giolla na naomh og O Dabhoireann being recorded as one of its chief owners in the seventeenth century. The O'Davorens were recorded as still holding Cahermacnaghten in 1659, along with 13 Irish tenants. [http://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/coclare/genealogy/pender/burren/bur4_nohovall.htm]
Early Origins
The O'Davorens, like the O'Hehirs and some other septs west of the Shannon in
County Clare Ireland , belonged to theEoghanacht stock claiming name and descent from the son ofAengus , King of Cashel, slain 957. The family settled in Burren in mediaeval times, exact date unknown. We first hear of them as hereditary ollamhs to the O'Loghlens of that district, who are of the race of Fergus mac Roigh, of Ulster.Fact|date=November 2007 The earliest reference to them in print is in the Annals of the Four Masters under the year 1364, where the death of Giollananaomh Ua Duibhdabhoireann, ollamh of Corcomdhruadh in Brehon law, is recorded.There is little reason to doubt that members of the sept held this high and responsible office continuously down to the general debacle, which followed the rising of 1641. They were scholars by descent and profession, and their glory was achieved by the pen, not by the sword.
Literary Production
The most important surviving document associated with them is known as Egerton 88 (British Library), being compiled between
1564 and1569 . It contains copies of some important texts ofEarly Irish law , in addition to a number of Old Irish literary tales.References
"Oxford Concise Companion to Irish Literature", Robert Welsh, 1996. ISBN 0-19-280080-9
External links
* [http://www.ucc.ie/celt/published/G301008/index.html Síaburcharpat Conculaind] (The Phantom Chariot of
Cúchulainn ) from Egerton 88 at [http://www.ucc.ie/celt CELT]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.