- Almond milk
Almond milk is a milky drink made from ground
almond s. Unlike animalmilk , almond milk contains nocholesterol orlactose and can be used as a substitute for animal milk in manyrecipe s. Commercial almond milk products come in plain,vanilla , orchocolate flavor s. They are often enriched with vitamins. It can also be made at home by combining ground almonds withwater in a blender.Vanilla flavoring andsweeteners are often added. However, users should be cautious not to usebitter almond s, since the combination of bitter almonds and water releases cyanide.For the weight conscious, unsweetened almond milk is lower in calories than cow's milk or soy milk.
In the
Middle Ages , almond milk was known in both theIslamic world andChristendom , where itsvegetable composition — being a nut that is the seed of a fruit of a plant — made it suitable for consumption duringLent . Almond milk was also a staple of medieval kitchens because cow's milk would not keep for long without spoiling, and would usually be turned intobutter orcheese immediately.Historically, almond milk was also called amygdalate. It was consumed over a region stretching from the
Iberian Peninsula toEast Asia .The "
Viandier ", a14th-century recipe collection, contains a recipe for almond milk and recommends its use as a substitute for animal milk during fast days.ee also
Xin ren cha
*Oat milk
*Peanut milk
*Plant milk s
*Rice milk
*Soy milk External links
* [http://www.godecookery.com/goderec/grec31.htm Almond Milk recipe from the "Viandier" by Taillevent]
* [http://www.vegparadise.com/highestperch31.html Almond History]
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