- Ibn Jurayj
region = Hijazi scholar
era = Medieval era
color = #B0C4DE
image_caption =
name = Ibn Jurayj
birth =
death = AH|150|766|+ http://people.uncw.edu/bergh/par246/L21RHadithCriticism.htm]
school_tradition =
main_interests =influences =
Ata ibn Abi Rabah
influenced =Abdu-Razzaq al-San'ani
notable_ideas =Ibn Jurayj ( _ar. ابن جريج) (died 767 CE, 150 AH ) was an
Islamic scholar .He is counted among the
Taba' at-Tabi'in and narrated manyIsra'iliyat [http://archive.muslimuzbekistan.com/eng/islam/2002/07/q18072002.html ::: 'ULUM AL-QUR'AN #3 - THE HISTORY OF TAFSIR ::: ] ] .Name
Abd al-Malik ibn Abd al-'Aziz ibn Jurayj (Jurayj is Arabized for
George orGregorius )Biography
His father was a Muslim scholar and his grandfather Jurayj (George, or Gregorius) was a Roman Christian [
Tahdhib al-Tahdhib byIbn Hajar Asqalani ] .One of his most quoted sources is
Ata ibn Abi Rabah , his teacher .Legacy
Musannaf of ibn Jurayj [ [http://www.answering-christianity.com/abdullah_smith/hadiths_vs_gospels_2.htm The Hadith Vs. The Gospels - Part 2 ] ]His narrations are quoted in
Sunan Abu Da'ud [http://www.searchtruth.com/book_display.php?book=8&translator=3 Hadith Books ] ]In the The
Muwatta ofMuhammed Ibn al-Hasan Introduction, it is stated :unni view
Sunnis praise him with the title
imam . presentScholar|Al-Dhahabi|14th writes:Abu Uwana narrated in his "Sahih" that Ibn Jurayj said inBasra aboutMut'ah : "Bear witness that I have reverted back from it (from allowing it)", after he told them 18 narrations that it is okay [Talkhis al-Habeer, byIbn Hajar al-Asqalani , vol 3, page 160, printed inMadina in 1964.] .Non-Muslim view
Harald Motzki , a 21st centuryNon-Muslim Islamic scholar states :References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.