

refimprove=April 2008
in-universe=April 2008
Infobox D&D creature
first="A Stone's Throw Away" by Roger E. Moore, Dragon magazine #84 (May 1984)

Kender are a fictional race developed for the Dragonlance setting, part of the Dungeons & Dragons role playing game. They were created by participants in a series of role-playing adventures employed by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis to create the Dragonlance world for TSR Inc. The "Dragonlance" shared world novels did much to popularize the race among readers and players alike, largely through the archetype character of Tasslehoff Burrfoot.

Comparable to hobbits in "Lord of the Rings" and halflings in Dungeons & Dragons, kender are depicted as being slight, nimble, and short. The typical kender has keen senses, a light-hearted personality, and intense curiousity leading to unconscious petty theft and an almost-total immunity to the emotion of fear.

Conception and development

Preparatory to creating the "Dragonlance" setting, Tracy Hickman ran a series of Dungeons & Dragons adventures.cite journal | last = Johnson | first = Harold | date = February 1995 | title = First Quest Column | journal = Dragon Magazine | issue = 214 | volume = XIX | number = 9 | pages = 70 ] Harold Johnson, one of those involved in these games, chose to play a halfing thief character whom he called Almar Tann. When Hickman, Johnson and others moved to the Dragonlance settings for the games, the character of Almar Tann went with them. However, it became clear to those involved that halflings were unsuitable to the Dragonlance world;cite book | author = Weis, Margaret | coauthors = Hickman, Tracy | title = The Annotated Chronicles | year = 1999 | publisher = Wizards of the Coast | isbn = 0-7869-1870-5 | pages = 25 ] as Johnson described it, this was especially due to his characters' possession of a ring of invisibility, so that "it all sounded too much like another story" (referring to Bilbo Baggins and the One Ring). Halflings were thus dropped, and Johnson developed both the initial concept of the kender and the first representative of the fantasy race, Tasslehoff Burrfoot. To solidify the distinction, they were originally described as "thinner, more wiry, and more cunning and streetwise" than halflings.cite web | last = Grubb | first = Jeff | authorlink = Jeff Grubb | title = Jeff Grubb (interview) | work = Dragonlance Nexus | date = April 29, 2001 | url = | accessdate = 2008-04-23 ]

Roger E. Moore introduced the kender (and Tasslehoff Burrfoot) to the wider community through his short story "A Stone's Throw Away", published in 1984 in Dragon Magazine #85. While Tracy Hickman was involved in some of the development, he has stated that it is Roger Moore who did the most to define kender as they are depicted today.cite web | last = Hickman | first = Tracy | authorlink = Tracy Hickman | title = Dragonlance FAQs | work = The Worlds and Works of Tracy Raye Hickman | url = | accessdate = 2008-04-24 ]

The original concept of kender was that they were "savage, warrior children, ever curious, ever alert". This concept was altered dramatically when Janet Pack became involved in dramatic readings of the works, as Pack's personal characteristics had a strong impact on how those involved in the process viewed the kender. According to Jeff Grubb, she, "and as a result all kender since her, was cute. Extremely cute. Sweetly, lovably, frustratingly cute.... And it's hard, after seeing Janet play Tas, to imagine them any other way." Two of the other key characteristics of Kender—their curiosity and kleptomania—were introduced by Tracy Hickman.cite web | last = Chambers | first = Jamie | title = UnCon Chat Transcript: Dragonlance Campaign Setting Q&A | work = Wizards of the Coast | date = December 28, 2003 | url = | accessdate = 2008-04-23 ] Hickman was uncomfortable with the notion of a "race of thieves" in his games, but still wanted the skills typically associated with thieves, so he added their "innocent tendency to 'borrow' things for indeterminate periods of time."

Originally, kender were to be called "kinder", in reference to "kinderkin", but Hickman has reported that readers tended to read the name as "kind-er" rather than "kin-der" in print, leading to the decision to alter the spelling.cite book | author = Weis, Margaret | coauthors = Hickman, Tracy | title = The Annotated Chronicles | year = 1999 | publisher = Wizards of the Coast | isbn = 0-7869-1870-5 | pages = 2526 ]

Fictional origin

The "Dragonlance" books present two alternate and conflicting accounts of how the kender were created. In "Dragons of Summer Flame", the Irda state that kender descend from the gnomes. When the Greygem of Gargath was released, the gnomes present who desired the gem for greed were turned into dwarves, and those who wanted it for curiosity were turned into kender. [Weis, Margaret and Hickman, Tracy. "Dragons of Summer Flame."] However, in the "Tales" trilogy, the dwarves state that when the Greygem came to Krynn, its chaotic magic transformed an elven army into the first kender and a dwarven army into the first Gnomes.Specify|date=April 2008

Appearance and traits

Kender are small creatures, rarely more than 4 feet tall, and often compared to human children. Like elves, kender have pointed ears and slightly slanted, almond-shaped eyes. Their eye color ranges from green, blue and brown to any combination of those colors. Kenders grow wrinkles at a very young age, and these are seen as attractive by many kender (some kendermaids try to grow them through various methods, much like humans and other races try to remove them).

Kender hair color is usually brown or black, with occasional kenders bearing red/orange and blond hair. Their hair is usually a lighter shade than other races because of all the time they spend outside. A generic kender hairstyle is the "topknot", where the hair is grown long and then tied up in a knot on the top of the head. A kender's topknot is usually a source of pride for them. Temple braids are a sign of noble descent among kender.

Kender tend to have high pitched voices, but their body allows them to make a wide range of noises, making them apt ventriloquists, animal imitators, and many other roles. When kender are excited, their voice tends to revert to a normal high pitch, and they speak very quickly.


Kender have an odd trait that is rather like Kleptomania, where they unwillingly or unconsciously pick up objects. Kender see this as the uncanny habit of finding things that "have dropped into their pouches by accident", picking things up in the streets, finding "junk", and generally getting things that belong to other people. This art is known as "Handling" for them, and is one of the reasons they are very unpopular among the other races of Krynn.

Kender don't seem to think there is anything wrong with this, and get genuinely surprised when they see the things that have fallen into their pouches. Kender oppose thieving vehemently, and thus consider being called a thief or cutpurse a great insult to their dignity, ironic given that Kender are inborn with every natural skill that is ideal for a thief.

The small race, however, do not tend to "find" things like money, gems, etc. A really interesting shaped leaf will hold more value than a steel coin, because steel coins are everywhere, whereas that interesting shaped leaf hasn't been seen before.

Kender Handling is known to get Kender in to deep trouble. Usually, the owner of the item angrily tries to reclaim the item, which can be deadly if the owner in question is a Minotaur or Draconian. On rare occasions, Kender find cursed artifacts such as a ring that forcibly teleports them from place to place, wands with powerful spells inside, and on one occasion, a statue that can Polymorph the owner into an adolescent Bronze Dragon.

Another aspect of Kender Handling, is their enormous natural curiosity. It's said that the worst thing you can do to a Kender, is isolate it. Trained and otherwise brave warriors have degenerated into a state of sheer panic when hearing a nearby Kender say, "I'm bored".

Kender also have uncanny lockpicking skills, which is a favorite pastime of theirs, and almost every Kender carries a lock picking kit with them. Much like everything else, this is like a game to Kender, and if, for instance, one were arrested, he would likely unlock his shackles or prison door, then go complain to the guard that it was too easy and they should think of upping security. The only reason a lock is ever on the door to a Kender home is to amuse any guests who might stop by.


Kender have a very sharp wit and tongue, and as such, are masters at the art of insulting people. Kender see great flaws with most of the insults directed at them ("Thief" and "Cutpurse" aside) and take delight in showing people what a real insult is like. Kender seem to have a wide repertoire of insults for any race and any occasion, and have no clue when is the right time to stop insulting someone.

Tracy Hickman explained that this characteristic in kenders was created by the game group which was creating the original saga. Although they thought it was a simple feature, including it in the kenders in subsequent books proved to be a long-term challenge.cite book
author = Margaret Weis
coauthors = Tracy Hickman
title = The Annotated Chronicles
origyear = 1999
origmonth = November
url =
accessdate = 2006-07-01
edition = 1st edition
publisher = Wizards of the Coast
isbn = 0-7869-1870-5
pages = 525
chapter = Book 2, volume 1, chapter 5, The riot. Tas disappears. Alhana Starbreeze.
year = 2002
oclc = 236430909


Many speculate that the two above traits are byproducts of the kender's odd fearlessness. This is a physical trait of kender — they cannot feel fear. There have been incidences where kender have stood near huge monsters and wondered if they could say hello.

Kender rarely feel fear, and most only feel it through magical means. For example, one of the most famous kender, Tasslehoff Burrfoot, has felt fear through magical means — at Shoikan Grove, after being subject to dragonfear. This fearlessness results in an almost permanent optimistic attitude and smile. Because literally feeling no fear means not being restricted very much, kender are always willing to try new things, whether that means traveling to a different place, playing a new game, learning to ride a dragon, or even dying an interesting way.

The kender mentioned above, Tasslehoff Burrfoot, was originally one of the few kender to ever experience real, non-magical fear. However, as Tas described it, this was not because of fear for himself, but for those he loved. However, the later books in the series introduced the Afflicted kender who, under the continued influence of Malystryx the Red, have learned to fear and become less carefree as a result.


Kender are known for their extreme curiosity, a trait which carries the potential to get them into trouble. Possessing an inborn obsession with new or interesting objects or areas, kender often find themselves driven by impulse to "handle" something or explore unfamiliar terrain. Because of this, kender enjoy maps greatly, even making their own (with great enthusiasm) to add to their collections. They also have a tendency to involve themselves in issues or procedures they should stay out of due to this trait, often causing chaos to ensue. It has been said that the most dangerous word a kender can ever utter is "Oops."

Life cycle

Kender have typical births — the mother has a 9 month pregnancy and usually has one child at a time. An average kender mother will have three to five children in her lifetime. Kender names are chosen from a wide range of sources, such as corruptions of other words, like Cassel from Castle, or recent events or items in pouches, like Bearchase, Lockpick, Fruitthrow, etc. Infants mature at about the same rate as humans.

As children, they come to rely on family and friends for needs, and the main contributors to a young kender's growth are often called their grandparents, uncles and cousins, regardless of actual family ties. At around 4 or 5, "kenderkids" begin to take part in their communities and to constantly ask questions. While others may feel this stage in a child's life is the most annoying, it is seen by kender parents to be a beautiful stage in life. Some do not give proper answers, in order to further encourage the child's curiosity. As they age, kender children gain education by hearing stories, desiring to acquire new skills, and playing games. They also begin handling and wandering.

Some kender volunteer themselves to keep the kenderkids amused, and are referred to as "Kender Wranglers." These people have fences and locks on their houses—not for security, but so that the children can climb and pick them if they want. Wranglers who watch over adolescent and teen-aged kender are called "Game Masters." As kender reach this age, not only do they seek out these Game Masters, but they also become more active participants in "Kender Moots," social gatherings where the youth can show off their newly found skills in games and demonstrations.

As they near adulthood, kender experience intense wanderlust and leave home. Most spend their entire adult lives wandering around the world. Most of the population of Krynn has been exposed to the adult variety of kender, and as such have adapted the word kender to mean thief, rogue, or cutpurse. Kender take great offense to these epithets, especially the last. Otherwise, they build up close friendships during the wandering stage of their lives, at least with people who can understand and cope with them.

"Settling down" begins between the ages of 30 and 50 years old. This is a gradual process, whether the kender wonders what's happening back home and decides to go visit, or unconsciously wanders back. They may stay for a bit and then go back adventuring. Eventually the traveling will become shorter and the visits home longer until they return to their city for good and buy or build a home.

Most kender find a mate during this stage and live together. They also start to informally choose professions and to pass on their talents to the next generation, possibly becoming parents, Game Masters or Kender Wranglers.

Kender age slowly and often do not realize it is happening, remaining childlike in comparison to other races even when their bodies slow down. When kender die, it is traditional to give something meaningful to their spirit. Funerals are held, at which the people who knew them express their grief, but kender view death as the next great adventure, and don't linger too long on sadness. Kender are usually interred somewhere that was meaningful to them in life or as they died, or simply at a particularly nice spot. Graveyards are uncommon, and in Hylo, a deceased kender's body is set sail on a burning raft rather than buried.


All kender weapons can double as musical instruments. There are two kinds of kender weapons: ones that end in "-pak" or "-ak" are heavier weapons and are usually described as being used by the males, while the ones that end in "-pik" or "-ik" are lighter and depicted as being typically employed by female kenders.

;Hoopak: A kender weapon, the hoopak resembles a cross between a slingshot and a spear. The hoopak is a long wooden staff with two prongs and elastic at one end and a sharp metal point at the other. The hoopak can be used as a spear, quarterstaff, or sling. It produces a distinctive whirring, buzzing noise when whirled.

;Chapak: Another kender weapon, the chapak is akin to an axe. The head may be taken off and swung, making it a long-ranged weapon. When the head is removed the chapak may be used as a flute.

;Whippik: Another kender weapon, primarily described as being used by the females. Like a hoopak, it can be used as a staff, sling, or noisemaker. In "Tales of Uncle Trapspringer" it is shown that this weapon is capable of firing small arrows. It may be strung for use as an instrument.

;Battak: The battak is a hollowed out club made of a hard wood that is wider at one end than the other. The larger end provides access to the inside of the club, which may be used to store rocks, pellets, or any form of bullet. The projectile is removed and the club is then used as a bat to swat the bullets at targets. The battak may also be used as a kind of rattle.

;Sithak: This weapon is depicted as originating from a yoke to carry water buckets. The sithak is fitted with a blade on both ends to be used as a double scythe. There is a curved hook on the ends where a string may be fastened to fire arrows or to act as a string instrument.

;Hachak: This is described as the largest of all kender weapons, and is primarily used by wood cutters. It is a pole arm six feet in length and can be separated into three two foot sections. One end has a hammer spike and piercing beak. The other end is an axe backed by a hammer head and saw blade. The middle is hollow and wrapped in sheep skin that can hold up to six darts. Metal rings circle the pole at one foot intervals. The rings may be played as chimes by hammering on them.

;Polpak: This is an eight foot pole normally used for spear fishing or pruning trees. One end of the pool has a short blade attached to it. The blade may be removed and used as a normal short sword. The pole also holds up to a dozen caltrops.

;Bollik: This weapon is a bola / belt. The metal balls hang from a series of quick release hoops. It can be used as a bola or flail. It can be spun to create a high pitched tone.


Over the years, a few kender subraces and character classes have been introduced.
*Half-Kender a human/kender crossbreed.
* Afflicted Kender are those who witnessed the destruction of Kendermore perpetrated by the dragon Malystryx, and lost much of their spiritedness, partially due to dragonfear, as happened to Tasslehoff under the influence of Beryllinthranox.
* Marak Kender are from Krynn's more northerly continent, Taladas, and as a result of a great god-sent Cataclysm their natural curiosity has turned to constant suspicion and paranoia.
* Kendar dwell in a great system of caverns near Krynn's south pole, along with several human tribes and the Theiwar dwarves. They are as friendly as normal Kender, but are more martially-inclined, and sell their services as mercenaries. Kendar are not as curious, however, and believe that anything they haven't seen with their own eyes simply does not exist.
* Vampire Kender can be found in Ravenloft, the results of Lord Soth's twisted experimentation. Since Ravenloft and Dragonlance are now each produced by companies other than TSR/Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro, the kender of Ravenloft have been retconned into a race of halflings.
* Forlorn Kender are a new kind of undead creature introduced in "Key of Destiny" and detailed in [ Key of Destiny Errata] .
* Nightstalkers are a class of kender introduced in the Dark Disciple Trilogy. Nightstalkers have the ability to speak with the dead, something that happened during the War of Souls when the dead were held in thrall. Some kender began to find they could talk to the dead. One such kender is Nightshade Pricklypear, who aids Rhys, the monk of Majere turned monk of Zeboim, in his travels in Amber and Ashes, Amber and Iron, and Amber and Blood.
*Handlers are a class of kender and half kender introduced in the Chronicles Trilogy. Handlers are skilled at dodging and pickpocketing. The most well known handler is Tasslehoff Burrfoot

Examples in the series

The following are examples of notable kender characters appearing in the "Dragonlance" novels.
*Tasslehoff Burrfoot, one of the series' primary characters and one of the Heroes of the Lance. First appears in "Dragons of Autumn Twilight".
*Uncle Trapspringer, a legendary hero to whom every other kender claims he or she is related. Appears in "Kendermore" and "Tales of Uncle Trapspringer".
*Kronin Thistleknot, who defeated the White Dragonarmy Highlord during the War of the Lance. First mentioned in "Dragons of Spring Dawning".
* Earwig Lockpicker, Tasslehoff's cousin and a brief companion of Caramon and Raistlin. Appears in "Brothers Majere".
*Damaris Metwinger, Tasslehoff's onetime fiancée. Features in "Kendermore".
*Sindri Suncatcher, the only known kender wizard. Features in "".
* Koi Fearbreaker, who wants to learn to be afraid. Features in "Dragonlance: The New Adventures".
*Nightshade Pricklypear, kender nightstalker and companion to the monk Rhys. Features in "Amber and Ashes".


External links

* [ The Kencyclopedia] - Unofficial information and embellishments about kender prior to 3.5 rules.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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