- La Swap Sixth Form
The La Swap Sixth Form is the sixth-form consortium of four
North London schools: La Sainte Union, William Ellis, Acland Burghley, and Parliament Hill. It is one of the largest sixth form consortium's in the Greater London area offering some 35 different AS and A2 courses; AGCE Single and Double Awards; BTEC 1st Diploma and Introductory Diplomacourses; NVQ Level 1, 2, 3; Certificate in Childcare (level 2); and GCSE courses. The name was formed from the first three letters of La Sante Union and the first letter of the other three schools. All four schools have specialist college status – in Science with Maths, Languages, the Arts and Technology.La Swap builds on the traditions and strengths of each school but offers the new challenge and sense of responsibility of a separate sixth form college. All the schools are within a few minutes walk of each other and many students attend courses at one or more of the campuses. Every student has a 'home base' school where they take the majority of their courses, where individual care, attention and support are provided through a strong tutoring and pastoral system.
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