- Ibn Quzman
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Malik ibn Quzman was born in 1078 in Cordoba and died in 1160 also in Cordoba. He is one of the most famous poets of
al-Andalus and he is also considered to be one of its most original. He is the author of classical poetry, but above all of zéjeles. Characteristic of the zejel is its colloquial language, as well as a typical rhyming scheme: aaab cccb dddb where b rhymes with a constantly recurring refrain of one or two lines. The zejel can be seen as a form of themuwashshah .The life-style of Ibn Quzman was similar to that of troubadours. His approach to life as expressed in these melodious poems, together with their mixed idiom (occasionally using words of the
Romance languages ), shows a ressembance to the later vernaculartroubadour poetry of France.A collection of poems by Ibn Quzman (Spanish "Cancionero") was rediscovered in Saint Petersburg in 1881.
*"The Literature of Al-Andalus" ("The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature") ch. 14ISBN 0-521-47159-1 (Hard cover book)Menocal, Maria Rosa (EDT) /Scheindlin, Raymond P. (EDT) /Sells, Michae /Publisher:Cambridge Univ Pr Published 2000
*Dr. Bonnie D. Irwin Dean, "Cooking With Ibn Quzman: Kitchen Imagery in Azjal nos. 90, 68, and 118." Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Conference. Portland, 13 November 1988.
*Artifara, n. 1, (luglio - dicembre 2002), sezione Addenda [http://www.artifara.com/rivista1/testi/zejeles.asp]*A Middle East Studies Association conference was held in Anchorage, Alaska, 2003Professor
James T. Monroe , Comparative Literature and NES, presented his paper, “Ibn Quzman’s ‘Zajal118’: An Andalusi ‘Ode to the Onion,’” on the panel Classic Arabic Literature. He was also the organizer and chair of the panel The Colloquial Poetry of Ibn Quzman:Form and Meaning. Participants on the panel were all Berkeley students:Samuel Leibhaber, NES, presented his paper titled “Courtly Panegyric in a Colloquial Idiom: Transformation and Convention in Zajal #9 of Ibn Quzman”.
Nathalie Khankan, NES, presented her paper “Loving Lynxes or:From Ibn Quzman to Umar Ibn Abi Rabi’a With Love”
Raymond K. Farrin, NES, chaired the panel and presented his paper, “A Poet Hoping to Celebrate: Three ‘Id Request Poems by Ibn Quzman“.
Cyrus Zargar, NES, presented his paper titled “Irony and the Sung Refrain”.
Sam England, NES, presented his paper titled “The Colloquial Poetry of the Ibn Quzman: Form and Meaning.
*"Cancionero de Abenguzmán" in "Enciclopedia GER" (in Spanish) [http://www.canalsocial.net/GER/ficha_GER.asp?id=9164&cat=literatura]
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