Alain Mimoun

Alain Mimoun

Alain ("Ali") Mimoun (born January 1, 1921) is a French [ Alain Mimoun Biography, ""] ] Olympic marathon champion.

Born in El Telagh, Algeria, Mimoun lost several years of competition to World War II. After the war, he was several times French champion in the 5000 metres and 10000 metres. His path to an Olympic gold medal was blocked in both 1948 and 1952 by the Czech champion Emil Zátopek. Mimoun won silver medals in 10000 metres in 1948 and 1952 as well as another silver medal in 5000 metres in 1952. His second place finishes behind Zatopek gave him the nickname "Zatopek's Shadow."

Zátopek and Mimoun, while rivals, were great friends. They competed against each other for a final time at the Melbourne Olympics in 1956. Mimoun, age 35, and Zátopek, age 34, were seen as champions in their decline. They both competed in the marathon an event where runners peak in their thirties.

It was extremely hot in Melbourne on the day of the marathon. Zátopek, who had had a hernia operation 6 weeks before, suffered in the heat but Mimoun seemed to come to life as the temperatures reached 97 degrees (36 celsius). Mimoun went on the win the event. Additionally, Mimoun had become a father that morning. His daughter was named Olympia.

At the finish line, he waited for his friend who came in sixth. Zátopek was dazed by the temperatures. He looked at Mimoun who said, "Emil, why don't you congratulate me? I am the Olympic champion." Mimoun and Zátopek then embraced. Mimoun called the moment more valuable than his gold medal.

Mimoun continued to compete after Melbourne. He was on the French team for the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome. Mimoun won his final national championship in 1966, twenty years after his debut. He is a national hero in France with over thirty gymnasiums and the stadium in Bugeat named in his honor.


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