- Joshua Pusey
Joshua Pusey (
March 27 ,1842 -May 8 ,1906 (?)), was an Americaninventor and a prominentattorney .In 1827, an English pharmacist named John Walker produced his "sulphuretted peroxide strikables," gigantic, yard-long sticks that can be considered the real precursor of today’s match. Small phosphorus matches were first marketed in Germany in 1832, but they were extremely hazardous. In 1836 in the United States, Alonzo D. Phillips of Springfield, Massachusetts, obtained a patent for "manufacturing of friction matches" and called them locofocos. The danger problem was not resolved until the invention of amorphous (red) phosphorus in 1845. Carl Lundstrom of Sweden introduced the first red phosphorus "safety" matches in 1855. These type of matches were large and had to be carried in a wooden box, and Pusey didnt like the bulkieness of this. He decided to make matches in a paper book that was easier to carry. In 1889 he finished and had created strikeable book matches
Pusey was a
Pennsylvania n attorney who was fond of smokingcigar s. Fed up with carrying bulky boxes ofwood enmatch es, he set to work to inventpaper matches that would be lighter and smaller. His final design had matches secured to a thin paper wrapping with an attached striking surface. Unlike present-day matchbooks, Pusey positioned the striking surface on the inside of the paper fold. This allowed all 50 matches to be lit at once.The diamond match company later put the striking surface on the outside.He received a
patent for his invention of the papermatchbook (which he called "flexibles") in 1889, but the idea did not catch on right away. Eight years later, in 1897, the Mendelssohn Opera Company distributed matchbooks with theirlogo emblazoned on them to advertise theirNew York opening. After this promotion, demand for paper matchbooks soared.Pusey later sold the invention to the
Diamond Match Company for $4000 in 1896.
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