Détroit d'Amchitka — Géographie humaine Pays côtier(s) États Unis Géographie physique Type … Wikipédia en Français
Delarof Islands — Location of Delarof Islands in Alaska … Wikipedia
Rat Islands — Karte der Rat Islands Gewässer Nordpazifik Archipel … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rat Islands — ▪ islands, Alaska, United States uninhabited group of the Aleutian Islands, southwestern Alaska, U.S. They extend about 110 miles (175 km) southeast of the Near Islands and west of the Andreanof Islands. The largest of the islands are… … Universalium
Rat Islands — The Rat Islands (Qax̂um tanangis [Bergsland, K Aleut Dictionary Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center, 1994] in Aleut) are a group of islands in the Aleutian Islands in southwest Alaska, between Buldir Island and the Near Islands group to its… … Wikipedia
Meridiano 180 — La Línea de Cambio de Fecha zigzaguea alrededor del meridiano 180. El meridiano 180 o antimeridiano es el meridiano que forma un ángulo de 180° con respecto al Meridiano de Greenwich. Es común para la longitud este u oeste. Se usa como base para… … Wikipedia Español
List of straits — This List of straits is an appendix to the article strait . See also: A* Agate Pass Puget Sound * Agattu Strait Aleutians * Akashi Strait Japan * Amchitka Pass Aleutians * Anegada Passage Virgin Islands and Anguilla * Arthur Kill Staten Island… … Wikipedia
Andreanof Islands — The Andreanof Islands (Niiĝuĝin tanangis [Bergsland, K Aleut Dictionary Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center, 1994] in Aleut) are a group of islands in the Aleutian Islands in southwest Alaska. They are located between Amchitka Pass and the… … Wikipedia
Gareloi Island — Location map Alaska label= lat=51.925726 long= 182.799057 position=right width=250 float=right caption=Location in AlaskaGareloi (Anangusix̂ [Bergsland, K Aleut Dictionary Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center, 1994] in Aleut) is a volcanic… … Wikipedia
Andreanof — Îles Andreanof Les Îles Andreanof forment un groupe d îles des îles Aléoutiennes au sud ouest de l Alaska. Elle s étendent sur environ 440 kilomètres et furent nommées ainsi par un navigateur russe, Andreian Tolstyk, qui fut le premier à les … Wikipédia en Français