

Infobox Brain
Latin =
GraySubject =
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Caption = Hind- and mid-brains; postero-lateral view. (Pulvinar visible near top.)

Caption2 = Thalamic nuclei:
MNG = Midline nuclear group
AN = Anterior nuclear group
MD = Medial dorsal nucleus
VNG = Ventral nuclear group
VA = Ventral anterior nucleus
VL = Ventral lateral nucleus
VPL = Ventral posterolateral nucleus
VPM = Ventral posteromedial nucleus
LNG = Lateral nuclear group
PUL = Pulvinar
MTh = Metathalamus
LG = Lateral geniculate nucleus
MG = Medial geniculate nucleus

IsPartOf =
Components =
Artery =
Vein =
BrainInfoType = hier
BrainInfoNumber = 311
MeshName = Pulvinar
MeshNumber = A08.186.211.730.385.826.701.485.600
DorlandsPre = p_42
DorlandsSuf = 12680162
The pulvinar is the caudal-most nucleus of the thalamus. The pulvinar is usually grouped as one of the "lateral thalamic nuclei".


It is conventionally divided into oral, inferior, lateral, and medial subnuclei.

* The "lateral" and "inferior" pulvinar have widespread connections with visual cortical association areas.

* The "oral" pulvinar predominantly has connections with somatosensory cortical association areas.

* The "medial" pulvinar has widespread connections with cingulate, posterior parietal, and prefrontal cortical areas.


Lesions of the pulvinar can result in neglect syndromes and attentional deficits.


External links

* - "The Visual Pathway from Below"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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