AVNOJ ("Antifašističko V(ij)eće Narodnog Oslobođenja Jugoslavije"), standing for "
Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation ofYugoslavia ", was the politicalumbrella organization for the people's liberation committees that was established onNovember 26 ,1942 to administer terrorities under their control. It was under the political leadership of the main resistance forces ofYugoslavia , during the Axis occupation ofWorld War II .1st AVNOJ meeting
After the Yugoslavian army capitulated on
April 17 ,1941 , Yugoslavia was distributed between Germany, Italy,Bulgaria ,Hungary and the newly formedpuppet state sIndependent State of Croatia ,Independent State of Montenegro andNedić Serbia . Opposition to these occupation regimes caused the formation of resistance movements, resulting in theCommunist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY ), then only active in the underground but fast gaining popularity, assuming the role of leading the forces in the Yugoslavian resistance. The CPY as an organisation comprised people from, and drew support from, the whole of Yugoslavia; as such, it represented a single Yugoslav identity.On November 26, 1942, the Partisan leaders of Yugoslavia convened the first AVNOJ meeting at
Bihać , in the northwest of Bosnia, in the hope of gaining political legitimacy. Comprising a committee of both the communist and non-communist Partisan representatives, under Josip Broz Tito, AVNOJ proclaimed support for:
*democracy ;
* the rights of ethnic minorities;
* the inviolability ofprivate property ; and
* freedom of individual economic initiative for the different groups.In 1943, Germany mounted offensives to improve its control of Yugoslavia, in anticipation of an
Allied invasion of theBalkan Peninsula . The Partisans fought ColonelDraža Mihajlović ’s forces, which had attacked the Partisans, and in March, outmaneuvered the German army, and defeated the Četniks inHerzegovina andMontenegro , in the famous battle at the river Neretva. Tito ultimately saved two thirds of his men.In May, however, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Independent State of Croatia Ustasha troops and Serbian Chetnik troops launched a final crushing attack against the Partisans in the
Sutjeska Gorge, but the Partisans escaped encirclement. This proved to be a turning point, and when Italy surrendered in September, the Partisans captured Italian arms, gained control of coastal territory, and began receiving supplies from the Allies in Italy.2nd AVNOJ meeting
thumb|right|AVNOJ_Proclamation_of_what_will_later_become_SFRJIn its second AVNOJ conference in the Bosnian and Herzegovinian town ofJajce , fromNovember 21 toNovember 29 ,1943 , Tito declared AVNOJ to be the superior executive authority. The Decision and the resolutions of the second AVNOJ conference were:
* to create a federal Yugoslavia, based on the right of self-determination of nations, in which the southernSlavic peoples (Serbs ,Croats ,Slovenes ,Montenegrins and Macedonians) who would live in six constituentrepublic s withequal rights [ [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] ] ;
* to stress that even during the War of National Liberation there had been established antifashist councils of the national liberation of Yugoslav lands for Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and the Bay ofKotor ,Sandžak andMacedonia as the organisations of the people's administration of the land.
* to elect the National Committee for the Liberation of Yugoslavia ("Nacionalni komitet oslobođenja Jugoslavije" (NKOJ )), based in Jajce, to act as the temporary government;
* to name Tito,Marshal of Yugoslavia andPrime Minister ; and
* to revoke the Yugoslavian government-in-exile; and
* to deny KingPetar II Karadjordjević’s return to the country, until a popularreferendum had been held on the status of themonarchy .Stalin, the Soviet leader, was enraged when he found out that he was not being informed of the November meeting, and reportedly barred Tito from declaring AVNOJ as a
provisional government . The Western Allies, however, were not alarmed, because they knew that the Partisans were the only Yugoslav resistance group actively fighting the Germans.In December 1943, Roosevelt,
Churchill , andStalin decided to support the Partisans. TheUnited Kingdom joined a month later, and stopped supplying theChetniks . The first Soviet mission arrived at Partisan headquarters, shortly thereafter. TheUnited States kept a military mission with Mihajlović to encourage continued Chetnik aid for downed Americanflier s.In May 1944, German airborne forces attacked Tito's headquarters in
Drvar , nearly capturing him. Tito fled to Italy, and established a new headquarters on theAdriatic island of Vis. After throwing its full support to the Partisans, Britain worked to reconcile Tito and Petar. At Britain's urging, Petar agreed to remain outside Yugoslavia, and in September, summoned all Yugoslavs to back the Partisans.See also
Partisans (Yugoslavia)
*People's Liberation War
* Yugoslavia
*Josip Broz Tito
*Edvard Kardelj
*Moša Pijade
*Milovan Djilas References
External links
* [http://www.vloe.at/download/avnoj_english.pdf The AVNOJ-Regulations and the Genocides of the Germans in Yugoslavia between 1944 and 1948 - .pdf document]
* [http://www.shsu.edu/~his_ncp/YugoPM.html Post-War Yugoslavia]
* [http://komunist.free.fr/dokumenta/avnoj_deklaracija.html Declaration of AVNOJ 2nd meeting]
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