- Eva Silverstein
Eva Silverstein is a string theorist. She is married to fellow string theorist
Shamit Kachru . She and Kachru were both proteges ofEdward Witten .She is best known for her work on
tachyon condensation in string theory and resulting resolution of some spacetimesingularities (with Adams, Polchinski, and others).Her other significant research contributions includethe construction of the first models of dark energy instring theory, some basic extensions of theAdS/CFT correspondence to more realistic field theories (with Kachru), and the discovery of a predictive new mechanismforcosmic inflation involvingD-brane dynamics(with Tong and Alishahiha).Education
*A.B., Physics,
Harvard University , 1992
*Ph.D., Physics,Princeton University , 1996Professional academic history
*Postdoctoral Associate, Rutgers University, 1996-1997
*Assistant Professor,SLAC ,Stanford , 1997-2001
*Associate Professor,SLAC andStanford Physics Department, Stanford, 2001-2006
*Professor,SLAC andStanford Physics Department, Stanford, 2006-PresentAwards and honors
MacArthur Fellow , 1999
*Bergmann Memorial Award, 1999
*DOE Outstanding Junior Investigator, 1999 - 2001
*Sloan Fellowship, 1999 - 2003Research areas
String theory, gravity, and particle physics: including moduli stabilization, supersymmetry breaking, and the microphysics of dark energy in string theory; dynamics of interacting scalar fields in cosmology and particle physics; unification of string vacua, singularity resolution, and dualities.
External links
* [http://www.stanford.edu/dept/physics/people/faculty/silverstein_eva.html Her faculty page at Stanford]
* [ list of her papers]
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