Black garden ant

Black garden ant

name = Black Garden Ant

image_width = 300 px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Hymenoptera
familia = Formicidae
subfamilia = Formicinae
tribus = Lasiini
genus = "Lasius"
species = "L. niger"
binomial = "Lasius niger"
binomial_authority = (Linnaeus, 1758)
The black garden ant "(Lasius niger)" is a formicine ant, the type species of the subgenus "Lasius", found all over Europe and in some parts of North America and Asia. It is monogynous, meaning colonies have a single queen.

Nuptial flights happen at various times in the year throughout the species' range; in North America they usually occur during the autumn, whereas in Europe they generally take place during the hot summer months of July and August. Flights can contain thousands of winged males and females. "L. niger" is considered a pest in most areas.

Disparities between local weather conditions can cause nuptial flights to be out of phase amongst widespread populations of "L. niger". During long-lasting, hot summers, flights can take place simultaneously across the country, but overcast weather with local patches of sunshine results in a far less synchronised emergence of alates (winged individuals).

"Lasius niger" is host to a number of temporary social parasites of the Lasius mixtus group including "Lasius mixtus" and "Lasius umbratus".

In the garden

This type of ant is a problem for some gardeners. They will farm aphids for the honeydew they excrete by bringing them inside the nest and bringing them back out again when necessary. The ants will also eat ripe fruits, especially fruits like strawberries that lack a thick protective skin. Often they can be found on discarded chewing gum. Lasuis Niger also feed on insects and spiders, and other small invertebrates. In Ireland they are usually referred to as pismires, an archaic term for an ant.

In the home

Black garden ants often explore their surroundings quite extensively during early summer months in an effort to increase the food supply to their queen and her young, and also as a way of testing new ground in preparation for the nests' summer flight. In some cases, these explorations lead to a burrowing through mortar and brick. The usual response from humans when they see several ants in their house (usually the kitchen) is to panic and reach for the insecticide powder. A better method of eradicating ants from the house is to ensure that all food surfaces are clean and free from sugar and sweet substances that may tempt the ants frequently to return for food. Even in flight, the ants will soon realize that they have chosen the wrong place to start their mating flight. If left alone, the colony will nearly always choose an external wall to use as their official take off. Black ants will often make large nests with extensive tunnel connections. These ants can bite if you disturb their nests, but it is rare. They have no sting unlike some of their European cousins.

External links

* [ AntBlog has identification and life cycle information on Lasius niger]
* [ Myrm's Ant Colonies, including Lasius Niger]
* [ The Kurt Kuene Antpage: Kurt Kuene shows how he keeps Lasius niger. With many pictures]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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