Refugee Act

Refugee Act

The Refugee Act is a 1980 United States federal law that reformed United States immigration law and admitted refugees on systematic basis for humanitarian reasons. A 1985 ceiling of 70,000 refugees, with 270,000 immigrants total and 20,000 from any one country, was established.

The Refugee Act is a 1980 United States federal law that reformed United States immigration law and admitted refugees on systematic basis for humanitarian reasons. A 1985 ceiling of 70,000 refugees, with 270,000 immigrants total and 20,000 from any one country, was established. Annually, the Proposed Refugee Admissions Report to the Congress is written detailing new circumstances involving refugees worldwide, and determining the new annual ceiling of refugees resettling in the United States.

External links

* [ US Dept. of Health and Human Services page about the Refugee Act]


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