- Adorama
Adorama is a
camera and film store inNew York City . Although not as large as major retailers likeBest Buy orCircuit City , the store offers the consumer a better chance of finding a specific model of camera.cite web| url=http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,1969382,00.asp| title=Pixels for Pennies: Buying a Cheap Digital Camera| author=Sullivan, Terry| publisher=PC Magazine | accessdate=2006-09-05| date=May 30, 2006] In2003 ,Amazon.com formed a sales alliance with Adorama andRitz Camera Centers , in a deal to broaden the online retail giant's selection of camera products and accessories. [cite web| url=http://www.imaginginfo.com/article/article.jsp?id=960&siteSectionfiltered=35| title=Ritz and Adorama Join Forces with Amazon.com| author=Havlik, Dan| publisher=Imaging Business magazine| accessdate=2006-09-05| month=August | year=2003] As of August2007 , Adorama' store is undergoing reconstruction. The store recently began selling online at Adorama.com. [http://www.adorama.com/catalog.tpl?op=adorama_inside]Many serious amateur and professional photographers utilize Adorama's online photo lab service for their digital prints, [http://www.adoramapix.com AdoramaPix,] which accepts JPGs and TIFF file input. [cite web| url=http://www.popphoto.com/photoprinters/2697/online-photo-labs-put-to-the-test-adoramapix-dotphoto-page2.html| title=Online Photo Labs Put to the Test| author=Sienkiewicz, Jon| publisher=Popular Photography magazine| accessdate=2006-09-05| month=May | year=2006] The lab started out as the 1-hour lab for Adorama Camera over 10 years ago and has been producing professional quality prints from digital images online since 2004. They also offer a system for the sharing of photo albums with contacts. AdoramaPix uses six [http://www.noritsu.co.jp/english/news/20050812_1.html Noritsu 34PRO] printers for all digital printing.
Industry recognition
The Forbes.com site highlighted Adorama in a "Best of the Web" review, [cite web| url=http://www.forbes.com/bow/b2c/review.jhtml?id=6048| title=Best of the Web: Web Site Reviews| author=unknown| publisher=
Forbes | accessdate=2006-09-05| month=December | year=2005] praising both the camera equipment seller's product selection and its dedication to educating photographers on how to elevate their skills, through the "Adorama Academy". However, the review also expressed disappointment with Adorama's website design.In May of
2007 ,Zagat reviewed two major professional photo equipment supliers inNYC : Adorama andB&H Photo Video . Regarding Adorama,Zagat wrote the store is a "legendary" Flatiron "gem" that "has everything" new or used "for beginners and professionals." [http://origin-www.ny1.com/ny1/content/index.jsp?stid=53&aid=69785]Criticism
While reviewing Adorama favorably, PC Magazine did have questions about the store’s sales personnel, "…after hearing the salesperson's description, it struck me that he actually was offering us a refurbished camera." Other customers reported problems with Adorama, including the selling of used merchandise. [ [http://reviews.pricegrabber.com/adorama/r/700/ PriceGrabber User Rating for Adorama - PriceGrabber.com ] ] [http://photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=004T4V] [ [http://www.lightstalkers.org/feeds/post/6091 [Lightstalkers i bought broken used equipment from adorama ] ]
NYC Store Information
42 West 18th Street, New York City, NY 10011
Sun. 9:30am to 5:15pm
Mon. - Thurs. 9:00am to 6:15pm
Fri. 9:00am to 1:00pm
Saturday closedCustomer Service Hours:
Mon. - Thurs. 9:30am to 4:30pm
Fri. 9:30am to 12:30pm
Eastern time.
212-741-0466Because the company is owned by Orthodox Jews, Adorama is closed on Saturdays, and also closes early in the afternoon on Fridays, to observe the Jewish Sabbath. [cite web| url=http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/09/technology/09ecom.html?ex=1294462800&en=3bf543c07684f605&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss| title=Scripture, Meet the Web: Placing Limits on 24/7| author=Tedeschi, Bob| publisher=
New York Times | accessdate=2006-09-05| date=January 9, 2006]Notes
See also
Photography External links
* [http://www.adorama.com/ Adorama Camera official website]
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