Zeami Motokiyo

Zeami Motokiyo

Zeami Motokiyo (世阿弥 元清; c. 1363 – c. 1443), also called Kanze Motokiyo (観世 元清), was a Japanese aesthetician, actor and playwright.



Zeami was educated by his father, Kan'ami, who was also an actor. The father-son team established the Noh theatre. When Kan'ami's company performed for Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the Shogun of Japan, he asked for Zeami to have a court education in the arts. The Shogun took the boy as his lover, in the shudo tradition, in 1374.

After Zeami succeeded his father, he continued to perform and adapt his style into what is today Noh - a mixture of pantomime and vocal acrobatics.


Scholars attribute nearly 50 plays to Zeami. Among them are the works Izutsu, Sekidera Komachi, Yamanba, Aoi no Ue, and Atsumori, a play based on an episode in the 14th-century Tales of the Heike.

In addition to writing plays and his major theoretical work, Fūshi kaden (風姿花伝)—also known as Kadensho (花伝書)— Zeami also wrote practical instructions for actors and established the Noh theatre as a serious art form. His books are not only instructions but also aesthetic treatises based on the spiritual culture of Japan.

See also

  • List of Noh plays (A–M)
  • List of Noh plays (N–Z)

Further reading


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