soft commodity — ➔ commodity * * * soft commodity UK US noun [C] ► FINANCE, STOCK MARKET a commodity product that is a crop, such as sugar or coffee, rather than one such as oil or coal: »The prices of soft commodities such as coffee have remained stagnant. →… … Financial and business terms
soft commodity — /ˈsɒft kəmɒdəti/ (say soft kuhmoduhtee) noun (plural soft commodities) a commodity such as a foodstuff, agricultural produce, grain, etc., which is grown rather than mined. Compare hard commodity …
Soft Commodity — A commodity such as coffee, cocoa, sugar and fruit. This term generally refers to commodities that are grown, rather than mined. Soft commodities play a major part in the futures market. They are used both by farmers wishing to lock in the future … Investment dictionary
soft — [sɒft ǁ sɒːft] adjective 1. COMMERCE soft goods are used up soon after they are bought, for example food products: • Ohio s manufacturing base covers a wide range of soft and hard goods. • a soft commodity trader 2. FINANCE soft loans or soft… … Financial and business terms
Soft — Business* Adventure Soft, UK based video game developer which was established in the 1980s by Mike Woodroffe * Cocktail Soft, Japanese H game manufacturer * Hudson Soft, Japanese publisher and developer * Illusion Soft, company from Yokohama,… … Wikipedia
Commodity — A commodity is food, metal, or another physical substance that investors buy or sell, usually via futures contracts. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * commodity com‧mod‧i‧ty [kəˈmɒdti ǁ kəˈmɑː ] noun commodities PLURALFORM [countable]… … Financial and business terms
commodity — An article of commerce or a product that can be used for commerce. In a narrow sense, products traded on an authorized commodity exchange. The types of commodities include agricultural products, metals, petroleum, foreign currencies, and… … Financial and business terms
Commodity — Wares redirects here. For the online distribution of copyrighted goods, see Warez … Wikipedia
commodity — 1) A good regarded in economics as the basis of production and exchange. 2) Any raw material or primary product. 3) A raw material traded on a commodity market, such as grain, coffee, cocoa, wool, cotton, jute, rubber, pork bellies, or orange… … Big dictionary of business and management
Commodity Market — A physical or virtual marketplace for buying, selling and trading raw or primary products. For investors purposes there are currently about 50 major commodity markets worldwide that facilitate investment trade in nearly 100 primary commodities.… … Investment dictionary