

The Gerousia was the Spartan senate (council of elders). It was created by the Spartan lawgiver Lycurgus in the seventh century BC, in his "Great Rhetra" ("Great Pronouncement"). According to Lycurgus' biographer Plutarch, the Gerousia was the first significant constitutional innovation instituted by LycurgusCartledge, 65] .

It consisted of 30 members in total. Two of these members would be the two kings. Of the other twenty-eight, usually several would belong to one of the two royal Spartan houses (the "Agiad" and the "Eurypontid")Cartledge, 65] . Members had to be over the age of 60 and were elected for life. All members would have, in their youth, gone through the Spartan military training program known as the agoge. Theoretically, any Spartan citizen of the proper age could stand, but in practice members were selected from the most important aristocratic families. While elections to the Gerousia were technically democratic, contemporary writers (such as the Athenian philosopher Aristotle) considered the fairness of the elections to be dubious at bestCartledge, 65] .

The Gerousia prepared motions or "rhetrai" ("rhetra") for the wider citizen assembly, the Apella, to vote on. The Gerousia could also veto motions passed by the Apella and was consulted by the ephors in matters of interpretation of the law. Additionally, the Gerousia filled the role of a Supreme Court. It could try murder cases - and had the power to condemn, fine, or banish. It could even try the kings for any alleged crimeCartledge, 66] . As a Supreme Court, it had the ultimate say as to what was or was not lawful. In effect, it was the supreme institution in the Spartan constitution, and could override any decision by any other organ in the Spartan political system.



Cartledge, Paul. "The Spartans: The World of the Warrior-Heroes of Ancient Greece". 2003. Vintage Books.

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