- Blackspot shark
name = Blackspot shark
status = NT | status_system = IUCN3.1
trend = down
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Chondrichthyes
subclassis =Elasmobranchii
ordo =Carcharhiniformes
familia =Carcharhinidae
genus = "Carcharhinus "
species = "C. sealei"
binomial = "Carcharhinus sealei"
binomial_authority = (Pietschmann, 1913)The blackspot shark, "Carcharhinus sealei", is arequiem shark of the familyCarcharhinidae , found in the Indo-West Pacific oceans between latitudes 24° N and 30° S, from the surface to 40 m. Its length is up to about 1.5 m.The blackspot shark is a small, slender shark with a long, rounded snout, large, oval eyes, and oblique-cusped teeth. The second
dorsal fin has a conspicuous black tip covering one-half or more of the fin, other fins being plain.It is found on the continental and insular shelves, from the surf line and intertidal region to deeper water. It feeds on small bony fishes (including
sea horse s),prawn s, andsquid . It isviviparous . It is often caught by shore anglers. Utilized as a food fish.Coloration is greyish or grey-brown above, white below, with a black spot on the second
dorsal fin .References
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