- Al-Khansa
Tumadir bint Amru al-Harith bint al-Sharid, usually simply referred to as Al-Khansa (Arabic translated as either "
gazelle " or "short-nosed") was a 7th century Arabicpoet . She was a contemporary ofMuhammad , and eventually converted toIslam .In her time, the role of a female poet was to write elegies for the dead and perform them for the tribe in public oral competitions. Al-Khansa won respect and fame in these competitions with her elegies for her brothers, Sakhr and Muawiya, who had died in battle.
Al-Khansa was born into a rich family.
In 612 AD, her brother Mo'awiya was killed by members of another tribe. Al-Khansa insisted that her brother, Sakhr, avenge Mo'awiya's death, which he did. Sakhr was wounded in the process and died of his wounds a year later. Al-Khansa mourned his death in poetry and gained fame for her elegiac compositions.
She met
Muhammad in 629 and converted toIslam . He is said to have been very impressed by her poetry.She had four sons: Yazeed, Mo'awiya, Amro, and Amrah, all of whom converted to Islam. She earned respect when she went with her sons who fought in the
Battle of Qadisiyah , where all four were killed.When she received the news, she allegedly didn't grieve, but said, "Praise be to Allah who honored me with their martyrdom. I pray for Allah to let me join them in heaven."
External links
* [http://www.chowk.com/show_article.cgi?aid=00005428&channel=leafyglade%20inn "A Great Arab Poetess of Elegy", an essay about Al-Khansa]
* [http://www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Daily/Day/980527/1998052703.html "Al-Khansaa: A poetess of courage and pride", from Arabicnews.com]
* [http://home.infionline.net/~ddisse/khansa.html Other Women's Voices collection, contains links, secondary sources, and excerpts]
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