

Carina may refer to:

* Carina (constellation)
* Carina Dwarf, a dwarf galaxy orbiting the Milky Way
* Carinatae, a term within phylogenetic taxonomy referring to birds
* USS Carina (AK-74)
* Carina (anatomy), a ridge in the sagittal plane of the trachea where it splits into the two primary bronchi
* Carina (automobile), manufactured by Toyota Motor Corporation.
* Carina, a flight reservations system used by Air New Zealand
* Carina, a Latinisation of Cairenn, said to be the mother of Niall of the Nine Hostages
* Carina, another name for the keel of a ship, or its entire hull
* Carina, in Roman architecture, the name Ancient Romans for any building in the form of a ship
* Carinae, or weepers, women hired in Ancient Rome to weep at funerals
* Cyclone Carina in early 2006, which never came close to land
* Uprava Carina, the customs office of Serbia
* Carina, a given name in Portugal and other countries. It is a pet form of Cara, [ [ Carina etymology] ] which can mean either "beloved" in Italian or "friend" in Irish. [ [ Cara etymology] ]

Carina is the name of:
* Carina, Queensland, Australia
* Carina Heights, Queensland, Australia
* Carina, Victoria, Australia
* Carina, Republic of Macedonia


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  • Carina — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Carina Nombre Latino Carina Abreviatura Car Genitivo Ca …   Wikipedia Español

  • Carina — ist: ein weiblicher Vorname, siehe Carina (Vorname) ein Automodell des Konzerns Toyota, siehe Toyota Carina die lateinische Bezeichnung eines Sternbilds, siehe Kiel des Schiffs ein Asteroid des Hauptgürtels, siehe (491) Carina ein Teil der Blüten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • carina — cȁrina ž DEFINICIJA 1. iznos u novcu koji se plaća državi na vrijednost, prekoračenje vrijednosti ili prekoračenje količine robe prema propisu o uvozu i izvozu [uvozna carina; izvozna carina; visoka carina; zaštitna carina; proći carinu] 2.… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • carina — f. anat. Ángulo que forma la tráquea cuando se divide en los dos bronquios principales. Medical Dictionary. 2011. carina parte de un …   Diccionario médico

  • Carina — cariña. adj. Se dice del individuo de un pueblo amerindio que habita entre los límites de los Estados de Anzoátegui, Monagas y Bolívar, al este de Venezuela. U. t. c. s. || 2. Perteneciente o relativo a los cariña. || 3. m. Lengua de filiación… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Carina — (Церматт,Швейцария) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Untere Wiestistrasse 12, 3920 …   Каталог отелей

  • cariña — 1. adj. Se dice del individuo de un pueblo amerindio que habita entre los límites de los Estados de Anzoátegui, Monagas y Bolívar, al este de Venezuela. U. t. c. s.) 2. Perteneciente o relativo a los cariña. 3. m. Lengua de filiación caribe que… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Carina — Ca*ri na, n. [L., keel.] 1. (Bot.) A keel. (a) That part of a papilionaceous flower, consisting of two petals, commonly united, which incloses the organs of fructification. (b) A longitudinal ridge or projection like the keel of a boat. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Carīna — (lat.), 1) Schiffskiel; daher 2) Carinae, eine Straße in der 4. Region von Rom (sd. a. Geogr.), weil sie die Form eines Schiffskieles hatte; 3) (Bot.), der Kiel, die Rückenschärfe, eine scharfkantige Erhöhung eines Blüthen od. Fruchttheils; 4) so …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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