Bay of Pigs Invasion — Part of the Cold War Map showing the location of the Bay of Pigs … Wikipedia
Bay Chamber Concerts — is a Non Profit organization located on Bay View Street in downtown Camden, Maine. Bay Chamber Concerts plays a principal role in bringing music, particularly classical music, to the Mid Coast area. During the months of July and August Bay… … Wikipedia
Johnson, Ontario — Johnson Township Municipal building in Desbarats … Wikipedia
Bay City, Michigan — Bay City … Wikipedia
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn — Bay Ridge is a neighborhood in the southwest corner of the New York City borough of Brooklyn, USA. It is bound by 65th Street on the north, Interstate 278 on the east, and the Belt Parkway Shore Road on the west. The southern border is 101st… … Wikipedia
Johnson-Hansen House — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Johnson W. Greybuffalo — Johnson Wade Greybuffalo (born April 21, 1974), made nationwide news in the United States in 1994 when he committed a burglary that culminated in the murder of a 5 year old girl.On the night of July 22, 1994, Greybuffalo broke into an apartment… … Wikipedia
Johnson Toribiong — (* 22. Juli 1946 in Airai) ist der Präsident von Palau. Bei der Präsidentschaftswahl am 4. November 2008 gewann er in der Stichwahl mit 51% gegen seinen Herausforderer Elias Camsek Chin. Am 1. Januar 2009 trat er die Nachfolge vo … Deutsch Wikipedia
Johnson [2] — Johnson (spr. Dschohns n), 1) Grafschaft im Staate Nord Tarolina (Nordamerika); 31 QM.; Flüsse: Neuse u. Little Rivers, Producte: Mais, Kartoffeln, Schweine, Granit, Eisen; 1746 organisirt u. genannt nach Gabriel Johnson, damaligem Gouverneur der … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Johnson River (Kuskokwim River) — Johnson RiverVorlage:Infobox Fluss/GKZ fehlt Lage Alaska Flusssystem KuskokwimVorlage:Infobox Fluss/FLUSSSYSTEM falsch Vorlage:Infobox Fluss/ABFLUSSWEG fehlt … Deutsch Wikipedia