Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Type Public
Industry Books, Printing and Publishing
Founded 1999
Headquarters Bhopal, India
Website [4]

Manjul Publishing House Pvt. Ltd (also known as Manjul Publications) is a publishing house in Bhopal, India. It is well known for the translation of the "Harry Potter" novels into Hindi. It was established in 1999.

The first novel, Harry Potter aur Paras Pathar sold 16 thousand copies in one week. During the March 2003 London Book Fair, J.K. Rowling recommended her Literary Agent Christopher Little to arrange for translations and around 20 Publishing house were invited for the same. Manjul Publishings stands class apart for its International language Translations and hence they struck the deal[1].


Major Published Books

  • Other notable novels:
    • Dictionary of Philosophy
    • The Wisdom of Gandhi
    • The Odyssey of Enlightenment
    • Worldwide Laws of Life

Manjul Publishings recently also translated Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in Gujarati, a regional language of India. It was named as Harry Potter aur Parasmani. Manjul Publishings also translated Harry Potter novels in Marathi, Bengali and Malayalam.

Harry Potter in Hindi

In India, most children, especially those that live in cities and large towns, are quite familiar with Harry Potter and most of them buy the English Bloomsbury; but not all children can read international style English, and some knew the character only through movies dubbed into Hindi. To reach these children, Manjul Publications published Harry Potter books in simple Hindi. The magic spells are translated into Sanskrit for effect, echoing the fact that in the English edition, spells are rendered in Latin.

According to Sudhir Dixit, who translated the books:
बहुत मुश्किल काम था. भाषा को अच्छी तरह समझने के लिए मुझे जेके रॉलिंग की पहली पुस्तक को 35 बार पढ़ना पड़ा
bahut muśkil kām thā. bhāṣā kō acchī tarah samajhanē kē liē mujhē jēkē rŏliṃg kī pahalī pustak kō 35 bār paḍh.anā paḍ.ā
(It was a tough job. To understand the language-style I had to read Rowling's first book 35 times)

The book covers of the Hindi series are identical to the covers of the American Scholastic edition, as stipulated by the rights owners. Harry Potter's translations in Hindi are informally known as "Harri Puttar" by some Indians, which is mistakenly considered to mean "Green Son;" however, "puttar" is simply the Punjabi word for "boy" or "son," while Hari is a common Indian name.

See also


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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