- Sindi (people)
The Sindi (Greek: polytonic|Σινδοί, Herod. iv. 28) were an ancient people in the
Taman Peninsula and the adjacent coast of thePontus Euxinus (Black Sea), in the district calledSindica , which spread between the modern towns ofTemryuk andNovorossiysk (Herod." l. c."; Hipponax. p. 71, ed. Welck.; Hellanic. p. 78; Dionys. Per. 681; Steph. B. p. 602; Amm. Marc. xxii. 8. § 41, &c.). Their name is variously written, and Mela calls them Sindones (ii. 19), Lucian (Tox. 55), Sindianoi.Strabo describes them as living along thePalus Maeotis , and among theMaeotae ,Dandarii ,Toreatae , Agri,Arrechi ,Tarpetes ,Obidiaceni ,Sittaceni ,Dosci , andAspurgiani , among others. (Strab. xi. 2. 11). TheGreat Soviet Encyclopedia classes them as a tribe of theMaeotae . In the 5th century BC, the Sindi were subjugated by theBosporan Kingdom . They left multiple tumuli which, when excavated by Soviet archaeologists, revealed that their culture was heavily Hellenized. The Sindi were assimilated by theSarmatians in the first centuries AD.Besides the sea-port of
Sinda , other towns belonging to the same people wereHermonassa ,Gorgippia , andAborace . (Strab. xi. 2, "et. seq.") They had a monarchical form of government (Polyaen, viii. 55), and Gorgippia was the residence of their kings. (Strab. "l. c.") Nicolaus Damascenus (p. 160, ed. Orell.) mentions a peculiar custom which they had of throwing upon the grave of a deceased person as many fish as the number of enemies whom he had overcome.References
* [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0198&query=chapter%3D%2334&chunk=book Strabo's book 11 on-line]
*fr icon [http://portail.atilf.fr/cgi-bin/getobject_?a.113:435./var/artfla/encyclopedie/textdata/IMAGE/ Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers]
*Trubachov, Oleg N., 1999: Indoarica, Nauka, Moscow.External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.