Forum 18

Forum 18

Forum 18 is a Norwegian human rights organization that promotes religious freedom. The organization's name is based on Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Forum 18 summarizes the article as:
*"The right to believe, to worship and witness"
*"The right to change one's belief or religion"
*"The right to join together and express one's belief"

The "Forum 18 News Service", established by Forum 18 in 2003, is a Christian web and e-mail initiative to report on threats and actions against the religious freedom of all people, whatever their religious affiliation, in an objective, truthful and timely manner. The news service mainly concentrates on the states of the former Soviet Union, including Belarus and Central Asia, and Eastern Europe, but has also published reports on Kosovo, Serbia, Turkey, Burma, China (including Xinjiang), Laos, Mongolia, North Korea, and Vietnam.

The news service is published in two editions: a weekly news summary each Friday; and an almost daily edition published on weekdays. Anyone may subscribe to either edition, free of charge, via the website, on which there is a searchable archive of reports, including religious freedom surveys of countries and regions, and personal commentaries on religious freedom issues.

In August 2005 one of the organisation's reporters was detained and deported by the authorities at Tashkent airport in Uzbekistan, but it carries on covering that country.

External links

* [ Forum 18 News Service]

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