CIP can refer to:


* Carriage and Insurance Paid to, an Incoterm
* Construction in Progress, in accountancy, a balance sheet assets item used for assets being constructed, e.g. buildings.
* "Continuation-in-part", in United States patent law; see continuing patent application
* Continuous Improvement Process
* Crippled Intellect Publications, a record label for experimental music.


* The Citizen Information Project in the United Kingdom
* Critical Infrastructure Protection, an infrastructure security effort in the United States
* Classification of Instructional Programs, a United States Department of Education classification system for college degrees
* Capital Improvement Plan
* Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme of the European Union


* Center for Intellectual Property Studies, founded by Gothenburg University and Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden
* CipSoft, the Regensburg, Germany-based creators of the online computer game "Tibia"
* Commission Internationale Permanente pour l'Epreuve des Armes à Feu Portatives, Permanent International Commission for Firearms Testing, commonly abbreviated as C.I.P. or CIP. The European ammunition and fire arms standards organisation C.I.P. safeguards that every civil firearm with a C.I.P. registered chambering (generally these are all non-wildcat chamberings) gets professionally proofed at C.I.P. certified test facilities before it can be sold to consumers in a C.I.P. regulated country. C.I.P.They also publish industry standards such as ammunition and chamber dimension specifications and maximum allowed chamber pressures that have undisputable legal status in C.I.P. member states.
* Committee for International Peace, a peace organization
* Congregação Israelita Paulista
* Creative Industries Precinct, part of the Queensland University of Technology campus in Brisbane, Australia

cience & technology

* Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority rules, or "CIP system", for the naming of molecules in organic chemistry
* Calf Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase (CIP), an enzyme that removes the 5' phosophate group from DNA.
* Carbon in pulp, method of gold extraction
* Cellular IP, a micromobility protocol
* Clean-in-place, a common cleaning method used in manufacturing processes
* Cold isostatic pressing, an industrial process

Computer Science

* Channel Interface Processor, a card used in Cisco series 7500 series routers that maintains CLAW definitions
* CIP-Tool, a tool for modelling event-driven processes and creating the associated software, distributed by a company of the same name
* Classical IP over ATM
* Common Indexing Protocol, a set of IETF RFCs for exchange of directory information
* Common Industrial Protocol (CIP), specification maintained by ODVA organization
* Cubic-Interpolated Pseudo-particle

Medical terms

* Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis
* congenital indifference to pain
* Critical illness polyneuropathy
* Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction, an uncommon human disease that causes bowel difficulties


* Combat Identification Panel, a device used by the US military to distinguish friendly ground vehicles from the enemy following friendly fire incidents in the first Gulf War.


* Cataloging in Publication, data found in a book to assist librarians
* Circulating International Program
* Computer-Investitions-Programm, German computer support program for universities

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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