- Sauropodomorpha
name = Sauropodomorphs
fossil_range =Late Triassic -Late Cretaceous
image_width = 200px
image_caption = Statue of "Diplodocus carnegiei" outside theCarnegie Museum
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
superordo =Dinosaur ia
ordo =Saurischia
subordo = †Sauropodomorpha
subordo_authority = von Huene, 1932
subdivision_ranks = Infraorders
subdivision = †Prosauropoda †Sauropoda The Sauropodomorpha (pronEng|sɔˌrɒpədəˈmɔrfə) were a group of long-necked, herbivorous
dinosaur s that eventually dropped down on all fours and became the largest animals that ever walked the earth.Description
Sauropodomorphs were adapted to browsing higher than any other contemporary herbivore, giving them access to high
tree foliage . This feeding strategy is supported by many of their defining characteristics, such as: a light, tinyskull on the end of a longneck (with ten or more elongated cervicalvertebra e) and a counterbalancing longtail (with one to three extra sacral vertebrae).Their
teeth were weak, and shaped like leaves or spoons (lanceolate or spatulate). Instead of grinding teeth, they had stomach stones (gastrolith s), similar to thegizzard stones of modernbird s andcrocodile s, to help digest tough plant fibers. The front of the upper mouth bends down in what may be abeak .The earliest known sauropodomorph, "Saturnalia", was small and slender (1.5
metre s, or 5 feet long), but by the end of the Triassic they were the largest dinosaurs of their time, and in the Jurassic/Cretaceous they kept on growing. Ultimately the largest sauropods like the "Supersaurus ", " Diplodocus hallorum", and "Argentinosaurus " reached 30–40 metres (100–130 ft) in length, and 60,000–100,000kilograms (65–110 USshort ton s) or more in mass.Initially
biped al, as their size increased they evolved to become graviportalquadruped s (likeelephant s). The early sauropodomorphs were most likelyomnivore s as their shared common ancestor with the othersaurischia n lineage (thetheropod s) was acarnivore . Therefore their evolution to herbivory went hand in hand with their increasing size and neck length.They also had large
nostril s (nares), and retained athumb (pollex) with a bigclaw which may have been used for defense — though their primary defensive adaptation was their extreme size.Range
Among the very first dinosaurs to evolve in the late
Triassic Period, about 230million years ago (Mya), they became the dominant herbivores by half way through the late Triassic (during theNorian stage). Their perceived decline in the earlyCretaceous is most likely a bias in fossil sampling, as most fossils are known from Europe and North America. Sauropods were still the dominant herbivores in theGondwana landmasses, however. The spread offlowering plant s (angiosperms) and "advanced"ornithischia ns, another major group of herbivorous dinosaurs (noted for their highly developed chewing mechanisms) are most likely not a major factor in sauropod decline in the northern continents. Like all non-avian dinosaurs, the sauropodomorphs became extinct 65 Mya, during theCretaceous-Tertiary extinction event .The most basal sauropodomorph known, "Saturnalia", was discovered in 1999, and is dated to the Carnian stage of the late Triassic. However, fragmentary remains from
Madagascar may represent an even earlier sauropodomorph from the middle Triassic. [ [http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1065621 "All Things Considered"] . National Public Radio. October 21, 1999.]Classification
Sauropodomorpha is one of the two major
clade s within the orderSaurischia . The sauropodomorphs' sister group, theTheropoda , includes bipedal carnivores like "Velociraptor " and "Tyrannosaurus ". However, Sauropodomorpha also share a number of characteristics with theOrnithischia , so a small minority ofpalaeontologist s like Bakker place both sets of herbivores within Phytodinosauria (or Ornithischiformes).In
Linnaean taxonomy , Sauropodomorpha (which means "lizard feet forms") is either asuborder or is left unranked. It was originally established byFriedrich von Huene in1932 , who broke it into two groups: the basal forms withinProsauropoda , and their descendants, the giantSauropoda .Recent
phylogenetic analyses by Adam Yates (2004, 2006) firmly places Sauropoda within aparaphyletic Prosauropoda. Also, finds of late Triassic sauropods demonstrate that there is no gap between the "prosauropod" and sauropod lineages.Evidence against sauropod ancestry within Prosauropoda comes from the fact that prosauropods had a smaller outer
toe on their hind feet than the sauropods. Many maintain that it is easier fordigit s to be reduced or lost duringevolution than the reverse, however there is no evidence for this. The lengthening, or gaining of extra digits is common in marine reptiles, and within the theropods digit lengthening occurred at least once. Therefore using this as evidence against ancestral prosauropods is questionable.While the sauropodomorphs are still grouped into prosauropods and sauropods for convenience, most modern classification schemes break the prosauropods into a half-dozen groups that evolved separately from one or more common ancestors. While they have a number of shared characteristics, the
evolution ary requirements forgiraffe -like browsing high in the trees may have causedconvergent evolution , where similar traits evolve separately because they faced the same evolutionary pressure, instead of (homologous) traits derived from a shared ancestor.Since the modern preference is for groups that are composed of all descendants of the same common ancestor (
clade s), instead of groups that exclude certain descendants of that ancestor (paraphyletic taxa), Prosauropoda is unpopular except as an informal collection of primitive (basal) sauropodomorphs. However, some like Michael Benton, consider the prosauropods and sauropods to be a distinct lineage descended from a common saurischian ancestor. While this is a minority view, supported by weak evidence, there is considerable support for a small, monophyletic Prosauropoda clade containing only smaller percentage of its previous members (taxa )."Saturnalia" has the teeth, backbone,
pelvis , and legs of traditional prosauropods, while lacking all of the unique sauropod characteristics. This lends some support to the prosauropod paraphyly theory, as it is the most basal sauropodomorph. However, it also lacks some of characteristics traditionally associated with Sauropodomorpha. Although, again being the most basal species this is not too surprising. The suggestion that the lack of some derived sauropodomorph characters in "Saturnalia" can be taken as evidence that Sauropodomorpha eispolyphyletic (evolved separately from different saurischian ancestors) has not been demonstrated by anycladistic analysis of sauropodomorphs.Taxonomy
Taxonomy of the Sauropodomorpha after Benton, 2004.Benton, M.J. (2004). "Vertebrate Palaeontology", Third Edition. Blackwell Publishing, 472 pp.]
* Suborder Sauropodomorpha
** "Thecodontosaurus "
** InfraorderProsauropoda
*** FamilyMassospondylidae
*** FamilyPlateosauridae
*** FamilyRiojasauridae
** InfraorderSauropoda
*** FamilyVulcanodontidae
*** FamilyOmeisauridae
*** DivisionNeosauropoda
**** FamilyCetiosauridae
**** FamilyDiplodocidae
**** SubdivisionMacronaria
***** FamilyCamarasauridae
***** InfradivisionTitanosauriformes
****** FamilyBrachiosauridae
****** CohortSomphospondyli
******* FamilyEuhelopodidae
******* FamilyTitanosauridae Phylogeny
The following
cladogram simplified after those presented in "The Dinosauria" second edition.Weishampel, D.B., Dodson, P., Osmólska, H. (eds.) (2004). "The Dinosauria", Second Edition. University of California Press., 861 pp.]clade| style=font-size:100%;line-height:80%
2=Titanosauria References
* Wilson, J. A. 2002. Sauropod dinosaur phylogeny: critique and cladistic analysis, "
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society " 136:217-276.External links
* [http://www.palaeos.com/Vertebrates/Units/Unit330/330.000.html Sauropodomorpha: Overview] , from Palæos.
* [http://users.tamuk.edu/kfjab02/dinos/VPSAUROPOD.htm Sauropodmorpha] , from When Dinosaurs Ruled Texas, by Jon A. Baskin.
* [http://www.users.qwest.net/~jstweet1/sauropodomorpha.htm Sauropodomorpha] , by Justin Tweet from "Thescelosaurus"!
* [http://www.geol.umd.edu/~tholtz/G104/10421saur.htm Geol 104 Dinosaurs: A natural history: Sauropodomorpha: Size matters] , byThomas R. Holtz Jr. , from the University of Maryland.
* [http://www.wvup.edu/ecrisp/lec11-sauropodamorpha.html Sauropodomorpha: The prosauropods and the sauropods]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.