

name = SwisTrack

caption =

developer = [http://people.csail.mit.edu/nikolaus Nikolaus Correll] , [http://disal.epfl.ch/people/pierre/ Pierre Roduit] , [http://disal.epfl.ch/people/thomas/ Thomas Lochmatter]
latest_release_version = 4.0.0
latest_release_date = February, 2008
operating_system = Linux, Windows, Mac OS
genre = Video tracking
license = OSI Adaptive Public License
website = [http://swistrack.sourceforge.net swistrack.sourceforge.net]

SwisTrack is a powerful tool for tracking robots, humans, animals and objects using a camera or a recorded video as input source. It uses Intel's OpenCV library for fast image processing and contains interfaces for USB, FireWire and GigE cameras, as well as AVI files.

The architecture of SwisTrack is very flexible and therefore allows the user to track (marked and marker-less) objects in many situations. So-called components are stuck together (like Lego bricks) and configured. Each component then performs one processing step, which can be visualized in real-time. SwisTrack already comes with a series of components, but for specialized tasks, programmers are free to implement their own components. Position and trajectory information can be retrieved via TCP/IP in NMEA 0183 format. Such data can easily be recorded for post-processing, or used in a real-time fashion.

SwisTrack has mainly been developed by the [http://disal.epfl.ch Distributed Intelligent Systems and Algorithms Laboratory (DISAL)] and the [http://lpm.epfl.ch/page61780.html LPM Vision Group] at [http://www.epfl.ch EPFL] in Lausanne, Switzerland.


* [http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/85929 SwisTrack: A Tracking Tool for Multi-Unit Robotic and Biological Systems]
* [http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/125704 SwisTrack - A Flexible Open Source Tracking Software for Multi-Agent Systems]

External links

* [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Swistrack SwisTrack documentation]
* [http://www.swarm-bots.org SwarmBots project]
* [http://leurre.ulb.ac.be The European Project LEURRE]
* [http://quasimodo.versailles.inra.fr/fred/video/index.htm Tracking of corn borer larvae]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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