- Borisoglebsky
Borisoglebsky ( _ru. Борисогле́бский, lit. "Boris and Gleb"), is an
urban-type settlement inYaroslavl Oblast ,Russia , located km to mi|16 fromRostov and km to mi|77 south-west ofYaroslavl , on theUstye River . Population: ru-census|p2002=5957|p1989=6327|punct=; 4,600 (1968).The town's principal tourist attraction is the famous Borisoglebsky Monastery, now a museum. The monastery is named after Saints
Boris and Gleb . The monastery was favoured by Ivan the Terrible who personally supervised the construction of towered walls and bell-tower around an even more ancientcathedral . The only addition made to the monastery after Ivan's death is a superb carvedbarbican church, commissioned by the metropolitan Iona Sysoevich in the late 17th century.In 2005, the statues of monk Peresvet (by
Zurab Tsereteli ) and ofPrince Pozharsky were installed near the monastery walls.References
External links
* [http://sobory.ru/article/index.html?object=00223 Views of the monastery]
* [http://www.adm.yar.ru/illustr/borisogleb1/index.htm The Monastery of Sts Boris and Gleb] ru icon
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