Administrative divisions of Yaroslavl Oblast

Administrative divisions of Yaroslavl Oblast

*Cities and towns under the oblast's jurisdiction:
**Yaroslavl (Ярославль) (administrative center)
***"city districts":
****Dzerzhinsky (Дзержинский)
****Frunzensky (Фрунзенский)
****Kirovsky (Кировский)
****Krasnoperekopsky (Красноперекопский)
****Leninsky (Ленинский)
****Zavolzhsky (Заволжский)
**Pereslavl-Zalessky (Переславль-Залесский)
**Rostov (Ростов)
**Rybinsk (Рыбинск)
**Tutayev (Тутаев)
**Uglich (Углич)
**Bolsheselsky ( _ru. Большесельский)
***with 7 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Borisoglebsky ( _ru. Борисоглебский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Borisoglebsky (Борисоглебский)
***with 12 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Breytovsky ( _ru. Брейтовский)
***with 8 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Danilovsky ( _ru. Даниловский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Danilov (Данилов)
***with 19 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Gavrilov-Yamsky ( _ru. Гаврилов-Ямский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Gavrilov-Yam (Гаврилов-Ям)
***with 9 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Lyubimsky ( _ru. Любимский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Lyubim (Любим)
***with 8 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Myshkinsky ( _ru. Мышкинский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Myshkin (Мышкин)
***with 10 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Nekouzsky ( _ru. Некоузский)
***with 11 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Nekrasovsky ( _ru. Некрасовский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Burmakino (Бурмакино)
****Krasny Profintern (Красный Профинтерн)
****Nekrasovskoye (Некрасовское)
***with 14 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Pereslavsky ( _ru. Переславский)
***with 21 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Pervomaysky ( _ru. Первомайский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Prechistoye (Пречистое)
***with 10 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Poshekhonsky ( _ru. Пошехонский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Poshekhonye (Пошехонье)
***with 18 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Rostovsky ( _ru. Ростовский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Ishnya (Ишня)
****Petrovskoye (Петровское)
****Porechye-Rybnoye (Поречье-Рыбное)
****Semibratovo (Семибратово)
***with 15 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Rybinsky ( _ru. Рыбинский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Pesochnoye (Песочное)
***with 16 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Tutayevsky ( _ru. Тутаевский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Konstantinovsky (Константиновский)
***with 10 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Uglichsky ( _ru. Угличский)
***with 17 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Yaroslavsky ( _ru. Ярославский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Krasnye Tkachi (Красные Ткачи)
****Lesnaya Polyana (Лесная Поляна)
***with 19 "rural okrugs" under the district's jurisdiction.


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