

title = Pelit
editor = Tuija Lindén

frequency = Monthly
circulation = 37,732
category = Entertainment
company = Sanoma Magazines Finland Oy
firstdate = 1992
finaldate =
finalnumber =
country = Flagicon|Finland Finland
language = Finnish
website = []
issn = 1235-1199

"Pelit" ("Games") is a Finnish video games magazine published 11 times a year by Sanoma Magazines, a division of the SanomaWSOY Group. Being by far the largest of its kind in Finland and covering both PCs and consoles, it has for a long time lacked serious competition and is thought by many to be the magazine of its kind, especially on the side of computer games. Recently some newcomers, mainly "Pelaaja" and "Tilt" have started to challenge its position as the sole choice for a serious Finnish gaming magazine.

"Pelit" is an old-timer, originally dating back to 1987, as an annual extra games-only issue of "MikroBitti" and C=Lehti. Another annual issue was published in 1988, and in 1989 it became semi-annual (two times per year).

In 1992, the staff of the semi-annual computer game book found themselves fed up with the limitations of their format, and thus the proper "Pelit" magazine was started. Its layout and contents have occasionally been revised over the years. Game solutions were dropped as the adventure and old-fashioned role-playing games, the primary subjects, dwindled. A comic, KyöPelit, was started in 1993 and has since successfully avoided making sense. While the magazine started with four computer platforms, coverage for the Amiga, Commodore 64 and Atari ST vanished along with the computers. The most notable changes were the 1998 founding of its sister magazine, the PlayStation-based Peliasema, and the later merging of the two as a practical necessity with the growth of the console market and the weakening of the PC games market.

Pelit's editor-in-chief is Tuija Lindén. Its staff includes the accidental gaming icon Niko Nirvi and the cartoonist Wallu. Jyrki Kasvi spent several years as a game reviewer as well as a columnist under the pseudonym of "Wexteen the Wizard". Kasvi is nowadays a politician and member of the Finnish Parliament.

ee also

* Pelaaja
* Tilt

External links


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