

Calixtlahuaca is a Postclassic period Mesoamerican archaeological site, located near the present-day city of Toluca in the State of Mexico. Known originally as "Matlatzinco", this urban Aztec settlement was a powerful capital whose kings controlled a large territory in the Toluca Valley.

Archaeologist José García Payón excavated the monumental architecture at Calixtlahuaca in the 1930s and restored a number of temples and other buildings. Most notable are Structure 3, a circular temple dedicated to the Aztec wind god Ehecatl, and Structure 17, a large royalpalace”. The architecture and stone sculpture at the site is similar to that of other Middle to Late Postclassic period (AD 1100-1520) Aztec sites in central Mexico.

In 2002 Dr. Michael E. Smith initiated a new research project at Calixtlahuaca. This project was sponsored by Arizona State University and the National Science Foundation, and fieldwork began in 2006 with a full-coverage intensive survey of the site. In 2007 a series of houses and terraces were excavated, revealing the form of life of the inhabitants of Calixtlahuaca for the first time.

Calixtlahuaca is also known for a the discovery of a ceramic dubbed the "Tecaxic-Calixtlahuaca head" uncovered during García Payón's excavations in the 1930s and purported to be from Ancient Rome. Although this artifact has a provenance similar to other items excavated at that timeand radioluminescence testing and stylistic analysis seem to support the antiquity of the artifact [Hristov and Santiago.] – the implications of this out-of-place artifact compel mainstream Mesoamerican scholars to remain sceptical. [See Smith (2005.]



*citation|last1=Hristov|first1=Romeo H.|last2=Genovés T.|first2=Santiago|year=1999|title=Mesoamerica evidence of pre-Columbian transoceanic contacts|journal=Ancient Mesoamerica|volume=10|pages=207213
*Smith, Michael E. (2003) [ Postclassic Urbanism at Calixtlahuaca: Reconstructing the Unpublished Excavations of José García Payón.]

*Smith, Michael E. (2005) " [ The "Roman Figurine" Supposedly Excavated at Calixtlahuaca] , accessed January 2008.

*Smith, Michael E., Juliana Novic, Peter C. Kroefges, and Angela Huster (2007) " [ A New Map of the Aztec-Period City of Calixtlahuaca in Central Mexico. Antiquity 81:'Project Gallery'] "

* Smith, Michael E., Jennifer Wharton, and Melissa McCarron (2003) " [ Las ofrendas de Calixtlahuaca] " in "Expresión Antropológica" 19:35-53.

External links

* [ Calixtlahuaca Web Site]
* [ Calixtlahuaca Archaeological Project Blog]

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