Ievoli Sun

Ievoli Sun

The "Ievoli Sun" was a chemical tanker chartered by Napolitan ship-owner Luigi Ievoli. On 31 October 2000, she sank at 49° 52 N et 002° 24 W, approximatively 9 miles off Casquets, with a 6,000-tonne load, including 4,000 tonnes of Styrene, 1,000 tonnes of trichlorosilane and 1,000 tonnes of Isopropyl alcohol.

The wreckage was caused by bad weather, and water intake at the bow, which filled the forware storage area and the Bow thruster bay. The increase in weight caused a negative pitch, which worsened while more compartments filled.

A distress call was received by the CROSS at 04:30. At 07:17, a Super Frelon of the French Navy departed to evacuate the 14-man crew of the tanker, amid convert|65|kn|km/h|sing=on winds. An hour later, the helicopter arrived on the scene, and evacuated the crew in 40 minutes. The "Abeille Flandre" arrived and started tugging the tanker at convert|4|kn|km/h toward Normandy.

The next day in the morning, the "Ievoli Sun" sank. The aviso "Lieutenant de vaisseau Lavallée" and the minesweeper "Céphée" were sent on the scene to reinforce the "Abeille Flandre" and monitor pollution. Only small traces of chemicals were noticed.

External links

* [ "Naufrage du Ievoli Sun"] on
* [ Report of the Bureau d'enquêtes sur les événements de mer (BEAmer) (Pdf)] and [ annexes] .

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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