Cyrille Adoula

Cyrille Adoula
Cyrille Adoula in Bonn, 1964

Cyrille Adoula (September 13, 1921May 24, 1978), was a Congolese politician. Adoula was the premier of the Republic of the Congo, from 2 August 1961 until 30 June 1964.

Adoula was born in Léopoldville. A graduate of the Saint Joseph Institute and the first native African employee of the Congo Central Bank, Adoula, with Patrice Lumumba and Joseph Iléo, founded the Mouvement National Congolais in 1958. Formerly a senator, Adoula's reign was difficult, with the threat of civil war always near. Generally following the policies of former premier Lumumba, Adoula even had the same vice-premier: (Antoine Gizenga, who was removed from his post in January 1962.)

Adoula attempted negotiation talks with Moise Tshombe, president of the secessionist Katanga province, but failed to reach any meaningful agreement. UN Secretary-General U Thant proposed a plan to end the secession of Katanga, but Tshombe made no moves to implement it. In response, Adoula demanded that the UN intervene, and place the plan into effect, by force if necessaryTshombe surrendered on 15 January 1963.

In order to solidify his moderate stance of leadership, in July 1963 Adoula removed his cabinet ministers with the most extreme views, attempting to create a group with a balance of Katanga and Lumumbist members, and a few months later submitted a new federal constitution to the parliament. However, various rebellions continued, and Adoula resigned in 1964 to be replaced by Tshombe. He was then the ambassador to the United States and Belgium, and then became foreign minister from 1969 until 1970, when he retired from politics. He died in Lausanne, Switzerland.

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