

A gluino is the hypothetical supersymmetric partner of the gluon. Gluinos are Majorana fermions and interact via the strong force as an octet of color. Gluinos have a lepton number 0, baryon number 0, and spin 1/2.

Gluinos are expected to be pair produced in particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider. Gluinos decay via strong interaction to a squark and a quark provided that an appropriate mass relation is satisfied.The squark subsequently decays to another quark and the lightest supersymmetric particle, LSP (which leaves the detector unseen).This means that a typical signal for a gluino at a hadron collider is four jets plus missing energy.

However if gluinos are lighter than squarks, 3-body decay of a gluino to a neutralino and a quark antiquark pair is kinematically accessiblethrough an off-shell squark.

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