- Cardioid
Cardioid is
closed curve with onecusp .Definition
geometry , the cardioid is anepicycloid with onecusp .Construction
epicycloid produced as the path (orlocus ) of a point on the circumference of acircle as that circle rolls around another fixed circle with the same radius.*
limaçon with one cusp. The cusp is formed when theratio of a to b in theequation is equal to one.*an
inverse curve of aparabola [ [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/InverseCurve.html Weisstein, Eric W. "Inverse Curve." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/InverseCurve.html ] ] with focus as an invesion center [ [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ParabolaInverseCurve.html Weisstein, Eric W. "Parabola Inverse Curve." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ParabolaInverseCurve.html ] ] .* an image of
circle undercomplex map . [ [http://virtualmathmuseum.org/ConformalMaps/square2/index.html 3D-XplorMath Conformal Maps a*z^b+b*z ] ]
*Sinusoidal spiral :::for
The name comes from the
heart shape of the curve (Greek "kardioeides" = "kardia":heart + "eidos":shape). Compared to the heart symbol (♥), though, a cardioid only has one sharp point (orcusp ). It is rather shaped more like the outline of the cross section of aplum .Equations
Since the cardioid is an
epicycloid with one cusp, incartesian coordinates it hasparametric equation s:
where r is the radius of the circles which generate the curve, and the fixed circle is centered at the origin. The cuspis at (r,0).
The polar equation
yields a cardioid with the same shape. It is the same curve as the cardioid given above, shifted to the left r units, sothe cusp is at the origin.
For a proof, see
cardioid proofs .Graphs
:"Four graphs of cardioids oriented in the four
cardinal direction s, with their respective polar equations."Area
The area of a cardioid with polar equation:is:.
"See proof."
Mandelbrot set
There are many cardioids in Mandelbrot set [] :
* boundary of large central figure ( period 1 hyperbolic component) is a cardioid with equation :
* second largest cardioid is boundary of period 3 component on main antennae,where
* generealy every mini copy of Mandelbrot set contains one cardioid.
Caustics can take the shape of cardioids. The caustic seen at the bottom of a coffee cup, for instance, may be a cardioid. The specific curve depends on the angle the light source makes relative to the bottom of the cup. The shape can be a
nephroid , which looks quite similar.ee also
Wittgenstein's rod
*microphone - for a discussion of cardioid microphones
*Loop antenna
*Radio direction finder
*Radio direction finding
*Yagi antenna Bibliography
External links
* [http://www.cut-the-knot.org/ctk/Cardi.shtml Hearty Munching on Cardioids] at
* Xah Lee, " [http://www.xahlee.org/SpecialPlaneCurves_dir/Cardioid_dir/cardioid.html Cardioid] " (1998) "(This site provides a number of alternative constructions)".
* Jan Wassenaar, " [http://www.2dcurves.com/roulette/rouletteca.html Cardioid] ", (2005)
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