List of satirists and satires

List of satirists and satires

List of satirists and satires

Below is a list of writers, cartoonists and others known for their involvement in satire - humorous social criticism. They are grouped by era and listed by year of birth. Also included is a list of modern satires.

Early satirical authors

*Aesop (c. 620-560 BCE) - "Fables"
*Aristophanes (c. 448-380 BCE) "The Frogs", "The Birds", and " The Clouds"
*Gaius Lucilius (c. 180-103 BCE) - "Books"
*Horace (65-8 BCE) - "Sermones"
*Ovid (43 BCE to 17 CE) - "The Art of Love"
*Petronius (c. 27-66 CE) - "Satyricon"
*Juvenal (1st to early 2nd centuries CE) - "Satires"
*Lucian (c. 120-180 CE)
*Apuleius (c. 123-180 CE) - "The Golden Ass"
*Various Authors (9th century CE and later) - The Thousand and One Nights

Medieval, Early Modern and 18th Century satirists

*Obeid e zakani (?-1370) - "Akhlaq al-Ashraf (Ethics of the Aristocracy)"
*Giovanni Boccaccio (1313 to 1375) - "The Decameron"
*Chaucer (c. 13431400) - "The Canterbury Tales"
*Erasmus (1466 to 1536) - "The Praise of Folly"
*François Rabelais (c. 1493 to 1553) - "Gargantua, Pantagruel"
*Miguel de Cervantes (1547 to 1616) - "Don Quixote"
*Luis de Góngora (1561 to 1627)
*Francisco de Quevedo (1580 to 1645)
*Juan de Tassis y Peralta, 2nd Count of Villamediana (1582 to 1622)
*Martin Marprelate (true identity unknown) - "Marprelate Tracts"
*Samuel Butler (1612-1680) - "Hudibras"
*Molière (16221673)
*John Dryden (1631-1700)
*John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester (1647-1680)
*Jonathan Swift (1667 to 1745) - "Gulliver's Travels", "A Modest Proposal"
*John Gay (1685-1732) - "The Beggar's Opera"
*Alexander Pope (1688 to 1744)
*Voltaire (1694-1778) - "Candide"
*James Bramston (1694 - 1744)
*William Hogarth (16971764) - "Beer Street and Gin Lane"
*Henry Fielding (17071754)
*Laurence Sterne (1713 to 1768) - "Tristram Shandy"
*James Beresford (1764 - 1840) - "The Miseries of Human Life"

Modern satirists (born 1800-1900)

*Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) - "The Man That Was Used Up, A Predicament"
*Charles Dickens (1812-1870) – "Hard Times"
*James Russell Lowell (18191891) – "A Fable for Critics", "The Biglow Papers"
*George Derby AKA John P. Squibob, John Phoenix (18231861)
*Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)
*Samuel "Erewhon" Butler (18351902)
*Mark Twain (1835-1910) - "Huckleberry Finn, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"
*W. S. Gilbert (1836-1911)
*Thomas Nast (18401902)
*Ambrose Bierce (18421914?) - "The Devil's Dictionary", "Tales of Soldiers and Civilians"
*Anatole France (18441924)
*Eça de Queiroz (1845-1900)
*Oscar Wilde (18541900)
*Jerome Klapka Jerome (18591927)
*O. Henry (William Sydney Porter) (18621910)
*Jalil Mammadguluzadeh (18661931) (Azerbaijani)
*H.H. Munro aka Saki (18701916)
*Alfred Jarry (1873-1907)
*Radoje Domanovic (1873-1908)
*Iraj Mirza (1874 - 1926)
*Karl Kraus (1874 - 1936)
*Will Rogers (18791935)
*James Branch Cabell (1879-1958)
*Ali Akbar Dehkhoda (18791959)
*H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)
*P. G. Wodehouse (1881-1975)
*Jaroslav Hasek (1883-1923)
*Kurt Tucholsky (1890-1935)
*Mikhail Bulgakov (1891-1940) - "The Master and Margarita"
*Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) - "Point Counter Point", "Brave New World"
*Josep Pla (1897-1981) - "Nocturn de primavera", "El carrer estret"

Modern satirists (born 1900-1930)

*Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966)
*George Orwell (1903-1950) - "Animal Farm", "Nineteen Eighty-Four"
*Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990) (UK)
*Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007) - "Slaughterhouse-Five", "Breakfast of Champions", "Cat's Cradle"
*Lenny Bruce (1925-1966) - Stand-up comedian
*Joseph Heller (1923-1999) - "Catch-22"
*Günter Grass (1927-) - "The Tin Drum", "Cat and Mouse"
*Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) - "Dr. Strangelove
*Tom Lehrer (1928-) (US) "That Was the Year That Was", musician
*Ray Bradbury (US)
*William Burroughs (US)
*Dario Fo (Italy)
*Flannery O'Connor (US)
*C. Northcote Parkinson (UK)
*Anna Russell (UK)
*Gore Vidal (US)
*Mel Brooks (US)
*Allan Sherman (1924-1973) (US) musician, parodist, television producer, voice actor
*Stan Freberg (1926-) (US) musician, parodist, voice actor

Modern satirists (born 1930-1960)

*Roger Abbott (Canada)
*Mordecai Richler (1931-2001) (Canada)
*Tom Wolfe (1931-) - "The Bonfire of the Vanities"
*Robert Anton Wilson (1932-2007) "Illuminatus!"
*Barry Humphries (1934-) "My Gorgeous Life", "The Life and Death of Sandy Stone", stage shows
*Alan Bennett (1934-) (UK)
*Cathy Jones (1955-) (Canada)
*Mary Walsh (1952-) (Canada)
*Dudley Moore (1935-2002) (UK)
*Woody Allen (1935-) (US)
*George Carlin(1937-2008) (stand-up comedian)
*Peter Cook (1937-1995) - "British Satire boom", "Beyond the Fringe"
*Eleanor Bron (1938-) (UK)
*David Frost (1939) (UK)
*Frank Zappa (1940-1993) - "We're Only In It For The Money"
*Kioumars Saberi Foumani (1941-2004)
*Garrison Keillor (1942-) (US)
*Lewis Black (1948) - Stand up Comic, "Daily Show"
*Jonathan Meades (1947-) (UK) - writer, broadcaster, satirist
*Terry Pratchett (1948-) - The "Discworld" book series
*Garry Trudeau (1948-) (US)
*George Saunders
*Christopher Guest (1948-) (US) - "This is Spinal Tap", "Waiting for Guffman"
*Gary Larson (1950-) (US) - cartoonist
*Steve Bell (1951-)
*Al Franken (1951-) (US)
*Don Ferguson (Canada)
*Christopher Buckley (1952-) - "Thank You for Smoking", "The White House Mess"
*Douglas Adams (1952-2001) (UK)
*Carl Hiaasen (1953-) - "Tourist Season", "Double Whammy", "Basket Case", "Skinny Dip"
*Matt Groening (1954-) (US) "The Simpsons", "Futurama"
*George C. Wolfe (1954-) - "The Colored Museum"
*Howard Stern (1954-) (US)
*Jonathan Miller (1954-) (UK)
*Ziad Rahbani (1956-) (Lebanon)
*David Sedaris (1956-) (US)
*Scott Adams (1957-) (US)
*"Weird Al" Yankovic (1959-) (US)
*Hugh Laurie (1959-) (UK)
*Stephen Fry (1957-) (UK)
*Wayne Federman (1957-) (US)
*Jello Biafra (1958-) - "Dead Kennedys"
*Ebrahim Nabavi (1958-), winner of Prince Claus Award (2005)
*Robert Zubrin (US)
*Craig Brown (UK)
*Dave Barry (1947-) - Pulitzer Prize winning humour columnist
*Luba Goy (Canada)
*Brian Padjen (The Yeetle Box)
*David Lodge (author)
*Roy Lacoursiere

Modern satirists (born 1960-present)

*Bo Burnham - Comedic Songwriter
*Bill Hicks (1961-1994) - stand-up comedian
*Bob Odenkirk (1962-) - "Mr. Show", "Saturday Night Live", "The Larry Sanders Show"
*Jon Stewart (1962-) - "The Daily Show"
*Stephen Colbert (1964-) - "The Colbert Report", "The Daily Show"
*Ann Coulter - Conservative political pundit and satirist
*David Cross (1964-) - "Mr. Show", "Arrested Development"
*Chris Morris (1965-) - "Brass Eye, The Day Today
*Michael "Atters" Attree (UK)
*Charlie Brooker - "Nathan Barley"
*Stoney Burke (US)
*Dave Chappelle (US)
*Bret Easton Ellis (1964-)
*Rick Mercer (1969-) - "The Rick Mercer Report"
*Greg Thomey (1961) (Canada)
*Jessica Holmes (Canada)
*Scott Dikkers (US)
*Sabina Guzzanti (Italy)
*Mike Judge (US)
*Craig Lauzon (Canada)
*Victor Lewis-Smith - "TV Offal"
*Daniele Luttazzi (Italy)
*Seth MacFarlane - Family Guy
*Aaron McGruder (US)
*Lisa Kennedy Montgomery (US)
*Little Marvin (US)
*Chris Morris (satirist) - "Brass Eye", "Nathan Barley"
*The Moustache Brothers (Mandalay, Myanmar)
*Ebrahim Nabavi (Iran)
*Page the village idiot (b. 1966)
*Chuck Palahniuk - "Fight Club"
*Douglas Coupland - ""
*Alan Park (Canada)
*Trey Parker - "South Park"
*Kioumars Saberi Foumani (Iran)
*Mark A. Rayner (Canada)
*Amy Sedaris (US)
*Matt Stone - "South Park"
*Sarah Silverman (1970-) - "The Sarah Silverman Program", "The Aristocrats", "The Larry Sanders Show"
*Sacha Baron Cohen (1971-) - "", "Da Ali G Show"
*Jhonen Vasquez (1974-) Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, Squee, etc.
*George Ouzounian (1978-) - Well known Internet author of "The Best Page In The Universe"
*Erik Larsen (1962 - present) "The Savage Dragon" comic book from Image Comics.
*Ian Hislop (1960-) - "Private Eye"
*Chris Lilley (1975-) - "Summer Heights High, We Can Be Heroes, Big Bite"
*Chris Taylor (1974-) - Member of The Chaser
*Craig Reucassel (1976-) - Member of The Chaser
*Julian Morrow (1975-) - Member of The Chaser
*Charles Firth (Present) - Member of The Chaser
*Chas Licciardello (1977-) - Member of The Chaser
*Andrew Hansen (1974-) - Member of The Chaser
*Dominic Knight (1977-) - Member of The Chaser
*Mark Morford (Present) - Notes and Errata, San Francisco Chronicle, SF Gate

Notable satires in contemporary popular culture

In modern culture, much satire is often the work of several individuals collectively, as in magazines and television. Hence the following list.


*Le Canard enchaîné (weekly French satirical newspaper)
*The Second Supper (US Magazine)
*The Onion (US Magazine)
*Private Eye (UK magazine)
*Charlie Hebdo (weekly French satirical paper)
*The Tart (Fortnightly UK newspaper)
*The Chaser (Australian newspaper and TV shows)
*Titanic (German Magazine)
*MAD Magazine (Juvenile satire magazine)

Television and radio

*The Simpsons (Matt Groening)
*Fiona Hudson Student Looking Hot
*Howard Stern (radio personality "The Howard Stern Show")
*Mad Men (Matthew Weiner)
*The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (US Talk Show)
*The Colbert Report (US Talk Show)
*This Hour Has 22 Minutes (Canadian TV show)
*South Park (Trey Parker, Jeremy Scanlon & Matt Stone)
*The Chaser (Australian newspaper and TV shows)
*Facelift (New Zealand Political show)
*Spitting Image (UK TV show famous for its puppets)
*Yes Minister (also "Yes, Prime Minister" - UK TV show satirising government)
*Have I Got News For You - Long running UK TV panel show
*Nathan Barley - 2005 UK TV satire by Chris Morris and Charlie Brooker.
*The Chaser's War On Everything - Australian satire with an emphasis on attacking 'everyone'.
*Seinfeld (Jerry Seinfeld)
*Royal Canadian Air Farce (1993 - 2007) (Don Ferguson, Roger Abbott, Luba Goy)
*Air Farce Live (2007 - present) (Don Ferguson, Roger Abbott, Luba Goy)
*Monty Python's Flying Circus
*Phil Hendrie (radio personality "The Phil Hendrie Show")


*"Mercedes-Benz" a McClure-Joplin song sung by Janis Joplin
*Culturcide's album "tacky souvenirs of Pre-Revolutionary America" overdubbed new, satirical lyrics onto such pop hits as "We Are the World".
*Weird Al Yankovic is a satirical song-writer/singer/rapper
*Mark Russell American political satirist known for his many appearances on PBS
*John Austin's album "If I Was A Latin King" satirizes Mexican and Latin pop music and Christian dogma
*Peter Gabriel's song "The Barry Williams Show" satirizes talk shows which showcase domestic topics of a taboo or shocking nature (and the viewing public's fascination with such content).
*"Hatorado" a 2008 song written by Senor EEEEvans


*"Blazing Saddles" (Warner Bros. 1974 Comedy movie directed by Mel Brooks, satirising racism.)
*" Casino Royale" (A 1967 surrealistic satire on the James Bond series and entire spy genre)."
*"This Is Spinal Tap" (satire of heavy metal culture and "rockumentaries")
*"Thank You for Smoking (film)"
*"" (2004 film satirizing Hollywood action flicks as well as post-9/11 American foreign policy)
*"Wag the Dog"
*"The Rules of Attraction"
*"Best in Show"
*"I Heart Huckabees"
*"Scary Movie"
*"Dr. Strangelove" (Satirical comedy relating war and sex)
*"Planet of the Apes" (1968) Gorillas, orangutans, and chimpanzees control a future version of earth in which humans are mute beasts; the ruling gorillas and orangutans reject evolutionary theory and the ability of the humans to think because they don't speak.
*"The Great Dictator"
*"" (a film satirizing censorship)
*"Otaku no Video" (1993 anime satirizing the otaku subculture)
*"S.O.B." (satire on Hollywood)
*"Not Another Teen Movie" (a satire of the teen film genre)
*"Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle"
*"Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay"
*"Citizen Ruth"
*"Pretty Persusasion"
*"The Hospital"
*"Weapons of Mass Distraction"
*"Little Children"
*"Man Bites Dog"
*"The Simpsons Movie"
*"Bob Roberts"
*"The Player"
*"War, Inc."
*"Britannia Hospital"
*"Fight Club (film)" (a dark satire on religion, life, and mental health)

Video games

*"Fallout 2
*"" [cite web |publisher=GameSpot |last=McInnis |first=Shaun |date=2008-04-28 |title="Crash Bandicoot: Mind Over Mutant" First Look |url= |accessdate=2008-04-29 |quote=Radical Entertainment reps gave us a description of what to expect from the game's plot, and they were sure to point out their goal of using some social satire you wouldn't expect out of a platforming game. Essentially, Cortex has masterminded the creation of a trendy gizmo that everyone simply has to own (think of the iPod). We're told this theme of consumerism is a frequent source of humor in the game's plot, including jokes about SUVs and the skyrocketing price of gas.]


* [ Free-Ass. Press]
*Pat Condell
*Landover Baptist Church (US website satirizing Fundamentalist Christians)
*The Onion
* [ Smooth Operator]
*Uncyclopedia (satirical parody of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
*The Second Supper
*Jeremy Nell (South African cartoonist)
*MAVAV (satire of video game misconceptions and stereotypes)
*Encyclopedia Dramatica


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