- Bohr compactification
mathematics , the Bohr compactification of atopological group "G" is a compact Hausdorff topological group "H" that may becanonical ly associated to "G". Its importance lies in the reduction of the theory ofuniformly almost periodic function s on "G" to the theory ofcontinuous function s on "H". The concept is named afterHarald Bohr who pioneered the study ofalmost periodic function s, on thereal line .Definitions and basic properties
Given a
topological group "G", the Bohr compactification of "G" is a compact "Hausdorff" topological group Bohr("G") and a continuous homomorphism:b: "G" → Bohr("G")
which is universal with respect to homomorphisms into compact Hausdorff groups; this means that if "K" is another compact Hausdorff topological group and
:"f": "G" → "K"
is a continuous homomorphism, then there is a unique continuous homomorphism
:Bohr("f"): Bohr("G") → "K"
such that "f" = Bohr("f") b.
Theorem. The Bohr compactification exists and is unique up to isomorphism.
This is a direct application of the
Tychonoff theorem .We will denote the Bohr compactification of "G" by Bohr("G") and the canonical map by
:mathbf{b}: G ightarrow mathbf{Bohr}(G).
The correspondence "G" → Bohr("G") defines a covariant functor on the category of topological groups and continuous homomorphisms.
The Bohr compactification is intimately connected to the finite-dimensional
unitary representation theory of a topological group. The kernel of b consists exactly of those elements of "G" which cannot be separated from the identity of "G" by finite-dimensional "unitary" representations.The Bohr compactification also reduces many problems in the theory of
almost periodic function s on topological groups to that of functions on compact groups.A bounded continuous complex-valued function "f" on a topological group "G" is uniformly almost periodic if and only if the set of right translates "g""f" where
:g f ] (x) = f(g^{-1} cdot x)
is relatively compact in the uniform topology as "g" varies through "G".
Theorem. A bounded continuous complex-valued function "f" on "G" is uniformly almost periodic if and only if there is a continuous function "f"1 on Bohr("G") (which is uniquely determined) such that
:f = f_1 circ mathbf{b}.
Maximally almost periodic groups
Topological groups for which the Bohr compactification mapping is injective are called "maximally almost periodic" (or MAP groups). In the case "G" is a locally compact connected group, MAP groups are completely characterized: They are precisely products of compact groups with vector groupsof finite dimension.
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