- Jack Abramoff CNMI scandal
The Jack Abramoff CNMI scandal involves the efforts of
Jack Abramoff , other lobbyists, and government officials to change or prevent, or both, Congressional action regarding the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (“the CNMI”) and businesses onSaipan , its capital, commercial center, and one of its three principal islands.Among the issues he worked on was keeping Congress from imposing the federal minimum wage for workers in the CNMI.
Abramoff took on the Northern Mariana Islands as a client in 1995. Abramoff and his law firm were paid at least $6.7 million by the CNMI government from
1995 to2001 . [cite web | url = http://www.opacnmi.com/archives/m0105.html | title = M-01-05: Survey of CNMI-Contracted Lobbyist Activities, January 1994 through September 2001 | date =2001-11-09 | work = Office of Public Auditor:Northern Mariana Islands | accessdate = 2006-08-17 ]The CNMI is a US commonwealth and thus may apply the
"Made in USA" label to goods manufactured onSaipan .Frank Murkowski , then Republican Senator fromAlaska and chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, submitted a bill to extend the protection of U.S.minimum-wage labor laws to the workers in the CNMI.In testimony before the Senate, it was described that 91 percent of the private-sector workforce were immigrants, and were being paid barely half the U.S. minimum hourly wage. Stories also emerged of workers forced to live behind barbed wire in squalid shacks without plumbing. A
Department of the Interior report found that "Chinese women were subject to forced abortions and that women and children were subject to forced prostitution in the local sex-tourism industry." cite news
first=Thomas| last=Edsall | pages=A5 | title=Another Stumble for Ralph Reed's Beleaguered Campaign | date=May 29 ,2006 | publisher=Washington Post | url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/28/AR2006052800964.html ] The Senate passed the Murkowski worker reform bill unanimously.Lobbying
In 1993, the government of the CNMI hired
Preston Gates to lobby for it. Between October 1993 and September 2001, the firm was paid about $6.7 million by the CNMI government, about 72 percent of the government's overall lobbying payments. The CNMI government was one of the firm's biggest clients.In 1995, Abramoff, employed at Preston Gates, took on the CNMI as a client. The government sought to retain exemptions from U.S. immigration and minimum wage laws. cite news | url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A32633-2004Nov7?language=printer | first=Thomas | last=Edsall | date=
November 8 ,2004 |title=Abramoff Allies Keeping Distance: Lobbyist Under Scrutiny for Dealings With Indian Tribes |page=A23|publisher = Washington Post]In October 1996, the contract with Preston Gates expired. The CNMI government broke its own laws by continuing to pay the firm - The initial Preston Gates contract with CNMI was from
June 1 ,1995 -June 30 ,1996 , for about $860,000. After the expiration of the contract, then-GovernorFroilan C. Tenorio 's office continued to pay Preston Gates, despite the lack of a valid contract, untilJanuary 11 1998 when GovernorPedro P. Tenorio had been inaugurated, a grand total of $5.21 million. (Between October 1996 to October 1997, the total was just over $3 million. [http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,151875,00.html] )The payment without contract was later judged illegal in an investigation by the CNMI Office of the Public Auditor.Abramoff later arranged an all-expenses paid trip to Saipan for
Tom DeLay onNew Year's Eve in1997 . Although House ethics rules at the time prohibited House members from accepting such gifts from lobbyists, the trip was funded directly by the CNMI and thus was technically allowable. An internal memo from Preston, Gates, and Ellis stated that these sort of trips are "one of the most effective ways to build permanent friends on the Hill." cite news
title=DeLay's Lavish Island Getaway
author=Ross, Brian
publisher=ABC News
date=April 6 ,2005 ] While on the trip, at a benefit dinner for Willie Tan ofTan Holdings Corporation , DeLay was quoted as saying::"When one of my closest and dearest friends, Jack Abramoff, your most able representative inWashington, D.C. , invited me to the islands, I wanted to see firsthand thefree-market success and the progress and reform you have made." [cite news|author=Edsall, Thomas|publisher=The Washington Post |title=Abramoff Allies Keeping Distance|title=Abramoff Allies Keeping Distance|url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A32633-2004Nov7?language=printer|date=November 8 ,2004 ]An undercover investigation by
ABC News captured Willie Tan speaking on a hidden camera about a conversation with DeLay about labor reform laws. According to Tan, "[DeLay] said, 'Willie, if they elect me majority whip, I make the schedule of the Congress, and I'm not going to put it on the schedule.' So Tom told me, 'Forget it, Willie. No chance.'"After the trip, Abramoff helped DeLay craft policy that extended exemptions from federal
immigration and mimimum-wagelabor law s to Saipan industries, though the island is part of the U.S. Commonwealth. Brian Ross atABC News for "20/20 " onMarch 13 1998 alleged that factories on Saipan have forced their workers to haveabortions in order to keep their jobs.In addition, Abramoff's lobbying team helped Rep.
Ralph Hall (R-TX) craft statements [cite news
title=For Abramoff, Lawmaker Slandered Teen Sex Slave
url=http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/001591.php author=Paul Kiel
date=September 25 ,2006
publisher=TPM Muckraker ] attacking the credibility of "Katrina," a teenaged sex slave who federal officials relocated to Hawaii and who testified to federal investigators and Congress about the sex trade on that island, in the process forestalling a federal criminal prosecution. [cite news
title=U.S. Department of Labor's Investigation into "Katrina" Case | publisher=U.S. Department of Labor
author=U.S. Department of Labor ]Abramoff also negotiated a $1.2 million
no-bid contract from the Marianas for 'promoting ethics in government' to be awarded toDavid Lapin , brother ofDaniel Lapin . [cite news
author=Zernike, Kate |url=http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/29/politics/29delay.html?ex=1272427200&en=78f9f146ce80e134&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss |title=Associate of Lobbyist Tied to DeLay Is Questioned on Island Contracts
publisher=The New York Times
date=April 29 2005 ]Abramoff also allegedly paid the expenses for at least two other trips to the Marianas. In both cases, Abramoff was reimbursed by Preston Gates & Ellis, which was then being paid by the Marianas government. cite news
title=Democrats' Travel Costs Linked to Lobbyist
publisher=The Washington Post
author=Smith, R. Jeffrey
date=May 4 ,2005 ]The first trip involved two aides to Tom DeLay,
Edwin A. Buckham andTony Rudy , both who later joined the lobbying firmAlexander Strategy Group . Buckham and Rudy traveled with Abramoff fromDecember 4 toDecember 12 ,1996 . Abramoff paid at least $3,000 of the costs, according to a memo written by his assistant Jennifer Senft Hamann. The second trip involvedJames E. Clyburn (D-SC) andBennie Thompson (D-MS). In a letter datedDecember 17 , 1996, the National Security Caucus Foundation invited the lawmakers to attend a trip to the island in January 1997, saying that the government would incur no expense. Non-profits are allowed to pay for lawmaker travel, and Clyburn and Thompson said they believed the NSCF was doing so. Greg Hilton, the director of the NSCF at the time, has said that Preston Gates & Ellis sent him the airline tickets and told him the government had paid for them. The cost of the trip was, according to an Abramoff memo, $15,657. The lawmakers said that they never met Abramoff nor knew of his involvement.Contract suspended and renewed
Abramoff's lobbying contract with the CNMI was suspended in late 1998 due to a January change in administration and financial problems. In December 1999, allegedly at the request of CNMI politician Benigno R. Fitial,
Edwin A. Buckham andMichael Scanlon visited the CNMI intending to convince two legislators to support Fitial for speaker of the CNMI's 18-member House of Representatives. Scanlon was still a member of Tom DeLay's congressional staff, and was on unpaid leave at the time. Buckham and Scanlon extended promises to help deliver federal aid to the legislators' districts, and succeeded in convincing the two Democratic legislators to vote for Fitial, a member of the rival Covenant Party. After Fitial was elected speaker in January 2000, he wrote the governor insisting that the islands contract again with Abramoff at Preston Gates & Ellis. [cite news
title=A Question of Influence
author=Roche, Walter F. and Neubauer, Chuck
date=May 6 ,2005
publisher=Los Angeles Times]In August 1999, Abramoff's firm, Greenberg Traurig (which, all told, received $4.04 million from 1998 to 2002 from the Commonwealth), hired Millennium Marketing (a division of the
Ralph Reed -founded Century Strategies) to "sen [d] out a mailer to Alabama conservative Christians asking them to call then-Rep. Bob Riley (R-Ala.) and tell him to vote against legislation that would have made the CNMI subject to federal minimum wage laws. "The radical left, the Big Labor Union Bosses, and Bill Clinton want to pass a law preventing Chinese from coming to work on the Marianas Islands," the mailer from Reed's firm said. The Chinese workers, it added, "are exposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ" while on the islands, and many "are converted to the Christian faith and return to China with Bibles in hand."In February 1999, a congressional delegation visited the CNMI; it included Representative
John Doolittle , who would get significantly more involved in 2001. [http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/001269.php] Doolittle and RepresentativeJoel Hefley write in June 1999, a "Dear Colleague" letter, saying that a May 1999 show on ABC's newsmagazine, "20/20", "The Shame of Saipan", had numerous inaccuracies, and that "Tom DeLay has consistently engaged government leaders in taking steps toward reform in the Mariana Islands to ensure and maintain a vibrant economy under local control." [http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/docs/doolittle-dear-colleague/]By late July 2000, Abramoff and Preston Gates were hired again, for $100,000 a month.
In January 2001 Abramoff switched lobbying firms to Greenberg Traurig. "'Our standing with the new administration promises to be solid as several friends of the CNMI (islands) will soon be taking high-ranking positions in the Administration, including within the Interior Department,' Abramoff wrote in a January 2001 letter in which he persuaded the island government to follow him as a client to his new lobbying firm, Greenberg Traurig." [http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-05-06-abramoff-bush_x.htm]
Patrick Pizzella joins the Bush-Cheney transition team, and in April 2001 is nominated to Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management at the Department of Labor.In January 2006, CNMI Governor Benigno Fitial demanded that Preston Gates & Ellis and Greenberg Traurig return much of the money originally paid for lobbying services, claiming that "the positive benefits of those services have been undone by the wide scandal brought on by the criminal charges against Abramoff." [cite news
title='Return Abramoff money' |url=http://www.saipantribune.com/newsstory.aspx?cat=1&newsID=54432
author=Ravelo, John
date=January 31 ,2006
publisher=Saipan Tribune]In August 2006,
Roger Stillwell , formerly an employee of the Department of the Interior, pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge of failing to report gifts received from Abramoff during the period that Abramoff was lobbying the Interior on behalf of the Commonwealth of the Marianas Islands. [cite news
title='Recipient of Gifts From Abramoff Pleads Guilty' |url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/11/AR2006081101605.html
author=Associated Press
date=August 12 ,2006
publisher=Washington Post]In April 2008, the US Senate campaign of Republican Bob Schaffer was rocked by reports of Schaffer's participation in a 1999 trip with his wife to the CNMI organized by Preston-Gates, and paid for by the
Traditional Values Coalition . Schaffer was photographed parasailing during the "fact-finding" tour. Schaffer later used his position on the House Resources Committee to attack reports of abuses on the islands. [Michael Riley, [http://www.denverpost.com/ci_8906163 "Schaffer, lobbyist strategies meshed"] , Denver Post; 4/12/2008.]References
External links
* [http://foia.citizensforethics.org/browse Department of the Interior: Communications Between DOI and Jack Abramoff (2005)] - Extensive collection of materials obtained by the
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington under theFreedom of Information Act .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.